Today was Nicky's B-Day!! I had told him last weekend that I would take him out to do something "special" as soon as I got out of class. As soon as class was over, I drove over to his house and started thinking what would be special. . . . what could I do? Then it hit me, BIRTH DAY PIZZA AT OUR FAVORITE P-ZA place!
It went over well, and Nick really loved it. The pizza guy said to me, "Man it is my little girls birth day tomorrow, and I don't know why, but I never thought of this. I am totally making her a b-day pizza tomorrow." I smiled, thanked him, and took off.
I went back to school to study study study my Spanish Spanish Spanish. Making flash cards, studying my flash cards and so on. Literally for 3 hours straight I studied. I had time to kill because my friend and fellow Young Life leader Ben invited me to go to Campus Crusades where he would be giving the talk about Scripture. I was totally down for that.

Campus Crusades is a ministry at my University where we sing, talk with each other (fellowship), study the Word, and then one of the leaders gives a talk. It was so good, and there was probably about 70 students there. I had so much fun! There was so much energy and everyone was parsing God like crazy! It was very refreshing to know there are a strong hand full of people my age at my University that love the lord so much.
Aw babe I was looking forward to reading about club!! Oh well I guess I can wait, Call me tomorrow!! XOXO