Monday, September 28, 2009
Until further notice

Sunday, September 27, 2009
God is alive
Saturday, September 26, 2009
loss of self

Friday, September 25, 2009
i'm getting sick. .

The lesson for the day is, "It is all about the small steps, it is troubling to get hung up on the things in life that trip us up. We must focus on what we are accomplishing and not dwell on what we have not been perfect at." -Inspired by Janice Hernandez.
Love you miss!
Thursday, September 24, 2009

And look! My cars twin found us! I was at the Doc, trying to get stuff straightened out for my TYSABRI medication, and well this car was parked next to me when I got out. I know it is a topaz instead of a tempo, but seriously, just about the same. AND SMURF BLUE TOO!!
Wednesday, September 23, 2009
I've got an update for ya. . . but I need to go to sleep
Tuesday, September 22, 2009
Monday, September 21, 2009
a good Monday

I was in some pretty intense prayer today. But, really peaceful, I was surrounded by God's hand and I could really feel his protection over me. It is amazing how God can protect your heart. It is amazing how he can really seperate you from the things that are the most important to you on Earth, because it is what is best for your mind and emotions. Craziness though
Sunday, September 20, 2009
Young Life retreat & LARP'ing

There is something difficult looming in the air though. Something lingering that causes a breeze of unsettled action. It is a familiar breeze, but still blows through any outer garment that I may be wearing for protection from the elements. A prayer gives the discomfort a bit of hope, but ultimately I have no control over where the wind blows. I can only hope that I agree with where it settles.
Friday, September 18, 2009
new phone & Putt-Putt

Ya know who else makes me really happy? God. And you know who else makes me happy after God? Janice!! Janice, I was so excited when you gave me that news today. It really was just a huge answer to prayer. Something I just got goose bumps over. I love you miss. And I am just super excited when I think about you.
I had a lot of fun. We (Jared, Nicky, Derrick, and Dan) went Putt-Putt golfing. Check out the pictures, then i'm going to bed.

I hope you had so so so much fun tonight Janice. Can't wait to talk to you when I get back from this retreat thingy. LOVE YA!
Thursday, September 17, 2009

Today is for YESTERDAY

Well, I am back baby! Back in the good'ole halls of Snider High School! It feels really good to be able to connect with kids again in this specific way. I love being in that school and around all those kids. I just get filled with joy every time. The vibe I was getting was that kids were READY to get back into Young Life!!
Our first Young Life Club was crazy. The kids definately came ready to have a lot of fun. This was much appreciated because the leaders were ready to give it to um. I am just going to throw some pictures of the night and let them tell their own story.
Number 1 reason why I loved Young Life Club today. We present the message of Jesus Christ while directly having shloads of fun. I love how they can work together. The Holy Spirit was in that place in a big way tonight!
Tuesday, September 15, 2009
campus crusades & birthday pizza

I went back to school to study study study my Spanish Spanish Spanish. Making flash cards, studying my flash cards and so on. Literally for 3 hours straight I studied. I had time to kill because my friend and fellow Young Life leader Ben invited me to go to Campus Crusades where he would be giving the talk about Scripture. I was totally down for that.

Monday, September 14, 2009
back at BSF and boy it sure feels good.

Sunday, September 13, 2009
Saeglópur (Crash Overdrive Remix) - Sigur Ros
This is Sigur Ros - Saeglópur (Crash Overdrive Remix). I have been listening to this song A LOT. I know it is strange, but I am totally into this song. I love everything about it. It is totally weird too, but I could care less. Strange though, for me, music has been something I am completely independent on. No one around me, except for my best friend Jared supports my odd music choices. I love it though. Really love it, I usually smile right in the beginning of this song because it is so intense. I love cranking the volume up and enjoying the heck out of it. By the way, you cannot enjoy it by only listening to the 30 sec. preview.

Saturday, September 12, 2009
Moving in, riding bikes, studying
What a surprise today turned out to be. Now when I woke up today, I knew that it was going to be a good day. I just didn’t know how good it was going to be. I started my Saturday morning at 7:15am. I got around and drove to where my sister has been living for a while now. It was time for Mer (my sister) to move on, physically; meaning her housing situation, and relationally; meaning her past relationship. I met at her old house, and helped move things into different vehicles. She had a guy from work help out, there was my car, there was Audra & Ally, and of course Mer’s car. So we packed things in and drove them 3 or 4 blocks down to her new residence. I really like the new place a lot.

Friday, September 11, 2009
pain. . . the bad kind

Thursday, September 10, 2009
I came into my own

Janice, you are doing so good missy.

Wednesday, September 9, 2009
betting stage

Tuesday, September 8, 2009
a little mental meandering

Monday, September 7, 2009
music, phone, and Janice