I went to school and got some books for school....money has been tight in the house hold, and well i'm not going to go into it, but I didn't have all the money for all the books. So, I got the ones I will absolutely have to have on Monday, and that was that. I went and did this right after I got out of work in the morning, then after I got the books, I went to the hospital and got my 6th infusion of TYSABRI.

It was real good, I am super glad I am on this medication. Life would be more challenging than it already is. What I am trying to say is that it is a huge blessing on me.
When I got done with the books, I went back to work, and when I got out of work @ 6:00P.M. I went directly to Autozone to get some oil and a filter, I was going to go to my friend Tony's to have him change the OIL but, I didn't have enough time, I had a Bible study at my house to get to. I had the guys over to my place for the weekly study. It was a good one...except for the mosquitos.

As soon as the study was over, I did get over to Tony's and he changed the oil for me. Then we were hungry, and we (me, Tony & Josh) got pizza. We ate it...it was good. While we ate it we watched an old movie we use to watch quite frequently. CKY2K, it is a complilation of videos put together by extremely stupid skateboarders who got fameous skating and doing really stupid stuff on the camera. Things like jumping out of a car into snow, hitting each other in the face with pine needles, punches to the crotch, dressing up stpidly in public, etc. This is the very modest version too. Well, we didn't even get all the way through the video, and Tony says...dude I really feel like skating, let's go over to our old high school and do it. I said....."I'll drive." Here is a video below of me and Josh.
It was really a lot of fun. We were stupid, and it felt like High School again, but it was good. I was thinking later on....man, it would be so cool if I could have a Bible study with these guys. I have so much incredible fun with these guys, but they are not at all in the same place I am, not even close. I love um though. It's for a reason though. Everything is for a reason. :-)
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