I was going 62 in a 45....yea, I know. And as soon as I pulled over, I started praying. I nervously got out my license and registration, I was so nervous because I knew what was going to be on the line. In all seriousness, my license could be suspended for a while if I got this ticket. So I prayed, I honestly said, "God, I messed up. If I get this ticket, please give me the patience and understanding to take it well, and not to get super upset." When the cop came up to my window, I was honest with him, had my keys sitting on the dash, and was as polite as possible. He retired to his vehicle for only a few minutes, and came back to me. He handed me my license and registration back, and told me he was giving me a verbal warning. My jaw almost hit the ground, and I thanked God. I did however, ask him why he decided to give me a verbal warning. He told me it was because I was honest and didn't feed him a line of B/S..... GRACE is unmerited or deserved favor & love. GRACE is a pretty cool concept.

When the training was over, I went home and helped set up for the BIG PARTY. Check out these pictures, from the extremely successful party for my awesome pop's. Who, by the way had a wonderful evening. :-)

I was sitting next to my dad by the fire pit listening to him tell stories and just make small talk with his friends when I got a phone call. It was my friend Matt, and he was really struggling. I mean he was really really struggling. I went inside the house and prayed for him. But he was still extremely upset. I asked him where he was, and he said he was at park in town out in the parking lot. I told him I would be there in 15-20 min. I left the party rather quickly with my Bible and journal in hand. I went directly to Matt, and we talked it out, ohh for probably 2-2 1/2 hours. I let him get as much off his chest as he could, and comforted him all the while. That is what a brother in Christ does, I could tell he was relieved, or at least in a much better place than when I first got there. It was a good thing, for both him and myself. GRACE came up again, and man is it good stuff.
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