It is getting so repetitive to write that I have been studying, but that is what fills my free time these days. STUDY STUDY STUDY!! I didn't get up till around 10:30 today, then was pretty lazy till about 12. I got up and was at the University studying from ohhh 2:30 to about 9ish. IT WAS LONG STUDY TIME! ~sigh~ and I have more yet, to do. It will all be worth it when I get that grAde. It will not be an A, but I am going to try hard to get the best I can get. When I was driving home I saw a house at the front of my edition with a crazy slip & slide. Now, it is extremely hillbilly looking, but really funny. I stopped to check it out, and the neighbors were out talking and I snapped some pictures. LOL. Check this out.

This first picture is like from the ground level up to the roof.

This second picture is like from the end of the wooden part down to the pond. It is so weird. The house is a duplex, and the guy who made the thing is actually the owner of the house. He is some 24 year old dude who wanted to make the ultimate slip & slide.......yea, I dunno, but whatever.
looks like he is just havin fun. dont be so judgemental dude..i know you think your life is hectic and stressfull but all our lives are that way now...times are tough and we all are just trying to survive, so be happy and grateful for what you wishes and continued good health to you