Church was okay, I am not sure who the gentlemen was that actually spoke at my church today, but he spoke on simon-Peter, probably my favorite disciple. I say he is my favorite because he is like the average joe. Always messing up, and then coming to the realization that he did so and doing his best to fall on Christ and accept His forgiveness. It's a beautiful thing to see. BUT, this guy who spoke did a really covered over and dull presentation of Peter's spirit and personality. I didn't think it was a good depiction of who he really was. I guess it would be quite the challenge to show who he really was in 40 minutes, but I just thought the sermon was a super broad overview but at the same time it kind of had to be. The SERMON was on HOPE, and how even when we mess up, we should still keep the hope. Peter always messed up, but never gave up hope. Luke 5:6ook what happened to him, that was kind of the whole speal. He gave these examples. Example 1.)
Luke 5:5 of course, is when Peter doesn't listen to the mouth of God asking him to cast out his nets, Peter gives an excuse & then gives in to his laziness and wazoo! Multitudes of FISH! Example 2.)
Matthew 14:30 is another classic example given when people talk of Peter being Peter. It is when he falls into the water after he amazingly walks on it. People always stick on the negative part of this story, but he did WALK ON WATER!!! I could talk and talk, but I will give just give Example 3.)
Matthew 16:23 is when Jesus talks a little sturnly to Peter, because Peter doesn't have his eternal glasses on. He is thinking like a man, and not trying to see the eternal significance of what Christ is about to do. 4.)
Matthew 26:40 Peter falls asleep, MAN, I bet he was dissapointed in himself. I bet he really regrets doing that, and ya know what? I can really relate to that. In a deep way. 5.)
Luke 22:57-60 This is probably the most well known example in regards to people seeking out Peters failings in Christ. It is when he denies Christ 3 times before the rooster crows.

In the evening I went to Dave church, and it was always. Then, I got a phone call from my friend Nate, right before I was about to leave Daves house. He was burning up some stuff behind his house, and so I told him I would be right over. We had a good time talking, and I like being able to do that with Nate, just talk and be real. Dang it was hot as heck with the sun and the fire.
On my way home I was driving through the neighborhood and saw my friend Tony out with his dog Trouble.

I got to talking to Tony about things. He is getting real serious about his whole glass blowing operation, and I have to say, I have never seen him so motivated about something in all the years I have known him. This really has the opportunity to change things in his life. He really wants to make good for himself. And I want to be a part of it. I have the ability to help him by selling much of his goods. I have all these ideas, and if he sticks to his end of the deal, I want to be able to make it work for him. I think I can do that too. It is kind of exciting, but I want to make sure I do it right. I think that in a couple more weeks, he will have everything set up, and be blowing and melting. It is pretty exciting, because he is so pumped for it. Ohhhh BOY!! It makes me extremely motivated because I see that sparkle in his eye, and I am going to just keep putting God into the development when ever I have the chance to do so. God will start to work his magic, and I will really be praying about this diligently. :-)
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