No, but seriously little kids are crazy and in their own little world. As long as you are cool with saying the same thing 17 times to the same person within a 4 minute time span, then all is well. Ohh, also I have found from spending time in the pool with them, you must be completely entertained and even impressed by little children asking you if you want to watch something, it'll go something like this. Little child, "Mikey, you wanna see what I can do?" Me, "ohh yes please show me." Then they will either put their head under water for a brief moment, or they will just smash their face so it goes under the water for a small amount of time. Then you have to open your eyes wide and tell them how impressed you are. Also, prepare yourself for the next little person to do probably the same thing.
It doesn't drive me crazy because I keep a good attitude and know that killing small children is a sin.....that is a joke
After work, all 9.5 hours of it, I went to the Friday evening Bible study I went to 2 weeks ago, and it was really really good AGAIN! I loved it, and was empowered by it.
After that I went over to my friend Tyler Morningstar's house where he had a bon fire and some friends over. I saw Jared Murry

oh wow, that is scary. I will keep in my prayers and hope everything gets better for him. :)