On Friday's I don't have class, so I suppose I didn't have enough motivation to get my butt out of bed, even though I woke up at 7:10 and ate breakfast like I was going to go, then found the couch and made reasons for not. I am going to wake up early tomorrow and go work out though. It feels good once I am there, it's just the initial push to get there that is the hard part. I can also read tomorrow and get things accomplished that will better my life, so that is exactly what I am going to do. Yesterday when I was working at the Y I saw my friend David, who also works (lifeguard) at the Y and he told me about this Bible study that got started by some of the familiar faces that I had made friends with at Collateral a while back. Well, I called one of the guys up and he was all like, "yea man, come over, you know we'd love to have ya!" So I did and I am so happy I did so. It was a serious boost of Christness and just really spiritually fulfilling. Ya know how you feel after like a thanksgiving dinner, all full and content. Well, that is exactly how I felt once I left Matt's house. Matt is so strong in the faith too. I really admire his life because it is all for Christ, he has many strong stories that constantly come up. I am back in the Christian brotherhood. Those guys were so glad to see me, and really made me feel so welcomed. Matt is the one in the blue shirt in the picture above. We were going through Ephesians and God showed up, just like he promises and I learned in the name of God. I love digging into the word with a group of guys. After the Bible study was over, their girl friends, wife and fiance's came over. They have all found the one who they will spend the rest of their lives with, but I felt okay that I haven't. And i'm cool with waiting for her. That's just that.
We were all up in Ephesians chapter 3. in vs. 8 it talkes about how the riches of Christ are unfathonable (NASB) , unsearchable (NIV). To me this means that as Christ followers we will never be able to fully comprehend the grace God has given us. In vs. 19 it talks about the love that surpasses knowledge. In vs. 18 Paul still talks about how we must keep trying to grasp how wide, long, high & deep the love of Christ is. We'll never do it, we aren't even capable of grasping it, BUT it is more than enough. That is quite powerful to me, the Spirit really pressed that concept on my heart. I love it when He does that. :-)
Interesting audio I found from Obama. Give a listen CLICK ME!
I am loving to watch the progression of your life...especially spiritually. Not long ago you were longing for a "girl" all the time. Now you've found how God can fill that void until the right one comes along. Awesome! I think He's going to "blow you away" someday when you least expect it. He did to me!
ReplyDeleteya know, I think you just hit the nail right on the head. "letting God fill the void." It's just that I am finding that there are all kinds of voids, but He can fill them all. It's simply a matter of really allowing myself to let Him come in and FILL! Not all can be paved over quickly, and it seems like if I try to do the quick pave, ya know like when the city fills pot holes with the black top/tar stuff, it just breaks up, and then the pot hole is exposed. If the city would take the time to cut that segment out, and just re-pour new concrete, well then you are good to go. Sometimes it takes time to do all that work, but as long as I continue to be willing to put the time in, I can and will have smooth roads to drive on. :-)