I am kinda reporting with mixed feelings about the new camera I got. Well, I got the same camera pretty much. The camera I got here seems to be a little bit nicer, it's the Canon Power Shot A550 AiAF 7.1 MP. It looks pretty much like the one you see below.

It looks a little something like this. I mean it is a really nice camera, and i'm sure if I would have bought it back in the U.S. it would have cost me probably over $200.00, plus I got the 1gb of memory to go with it. SO, I am really happy with my purchase, I am just not happy that I had to pretty much buy the same camera twice. But, these things happen.....even if you are pretty sure it's the cleaning lady because she doesn't make eye contact with you because her guilt won't allow her to look into the eyes of the American man who has been so nice to her....you get it.
Lets go back to this morning first. This morning, me and Sid helped drop off Frank and Dr. Biggs. They are both doctors, but everyone called Frank, Frank. and everyone called Eric, Dr. Biggs. SO, thats just kind of what stuck with them. 
This is Dr. Biggs, he is a great guy. I learned from this guy. Great personality, great sense of humor, great person to be around, to have a conversation with about ANYTHING, or just to sit with and watch a movie. I really enjoyed being with him, and getting to know him. Very thankful for being able to become friends with this man.

Frank, if you couldn't tell is the only black man in Shenyang. He is the styling dude sporting the fanny back. Frank has a lot of charisma and is just extremely upbeat. He has this magic to him that makes everyone around him happy and positive also. I REALLY enjoyed Frank. I learned some things about myself through Frank also. Some of the things I learned are kind of personal, and some of the things I learned about myself are normal deal with every day things. Lets just say these two men brought a lot to the table. I am very thankful I was brought to China and to this hospital to meet them.

Just in case you couldn't tell, these 3 pictures that I just loaded are kind of low quality. The reason is I had to take them with my phone. Then upload them onto my computer, and on to the BLOG. SO, from now on the picture quality will be back up to par. Good quality just like it has been from the beginning of the trip. ALSO, one other thing I would like to mention is that they keep telling us that the internet will be shut off. Apparently, some "military secret" got leaked. And because of this, all the military hospitals will be losing their internet capabilities. I think this is all just a bunch of bull crap, but whatever. It won't stop me, I will just find an internet Cafe and make the best of it.
Today, I spoke on the phone with a Chinese woman named Angel. Angel has agreed to help me translate while I interview some of the Chinese patients about their stem cell experiences. I am excited to meet her tomorrow, and at 5:30 we will get started, interviewing the first Chinese patient. I am totally stoked to do this, and I think it is going to go really well.
See how much better the picture quality is with the new camera. I mean it is just TONS AND TONS better. I am going to stop writing now though, I think I am going to go and meet the new patient. He is from Florida also, and he is completely paralyzed, like the only thing he can move is his neck. I think his name is Danny. He is here with his father, and they are both Christians, and I am excited to meet them. SO, thats whats up. LATER!
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