Today started out kind of slow. I messed around in the back yard with some sprinklers, cuz it is so darn dry out, I wanted to sprinkle some water on stuff for a while. I got a chance to talk to a good friend in Ohio that I haven't talked to for a while. Thanks Miss Haines. ;-) Then I did some work on my new diet. I decided to incorporate some Omega 3 acids into my daily intake, and cut Milk out. I still have to do more reading on why I am doing this, but I feel it will only be helpful in the MS fight. I got an E-Mail from a man who did an article on me a while ago that I was very impressed with, and he gave me a response that the news paper got. It's a new drug. It is taken Orally, and I am going to do some research on it to see what the hype is all about. Then, me and my friend Chris went and saw a great new movie.

Me and Chris both thought it was awesome. I am a huge fan of the Die Hard trilogy, so this was great for me. Just like the old movies. Bruce Willis A.K.A. John Mcclain gets the crap beaten out of him while he saves the world. Surprising how this plot never gets old in these movies. :-)
Today I got to feeling pretty raw about Chelsy. ughhhh! I need to just forgive and FORGET! WHY IS THIS SO HARD FOR ME?
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