New friends, New fun, New learning, New Yum. Yes, thats right, I had a very good day. As my short stay in China slowely comes near to it's end, it doesn't slow down to a snail pace and slowely flutter off into nothing. NO NO, it has become a roaring mud slide of new frieds, experiences, and life lessons. I am so thankful for everyone I have met, and everything I do. I try to keep my learning cap on at all times, and try my hardest not to take anything or anyone forgranted. Here was my day. It started off with me going to the local digital picture shop. I got pictures of the white water rafting developed for everyone that went on the trip so they could remember the memories like I will. Then I got like 121 pictures from my daily experiences developed for super cheap so I can remember all the amazing experiences and people I have had the chance to live while here. LOVING IT.
After I got back from the photo shop, I went to the hospital and bought some JADE pieces from a nice mother and son team who had some nice stuff. Melanie helped my mother and I do this. I got some cool stuff. Then, I Melanie agreed to take me out to the computer district of Shenyang to see about buying a new battery for my lap top. The one I currently have doesn't hold much of a charge. The battery ended up costing near or the same for what I could get it in the U.S. so I decided to hold off on that one, and then me and Melanie went and screwed around for a bit.

There was a small musical instrument shop on the computer strip, and I remembered that Melanie said she played a little bit, so I got her to play a couple of tunes for me. It was very nice, and I enjoy spending time with her. Makes me feel fairly appriciated. And what a beauty huh? After we parted ways, she invited me to a "PARTY" that her sister was going to for like a Mary K convention, but it's not Mary starts with an A, and I really don't remember it. But it was different, and I had fun.

This is Melanie and her sister.

There was a ton of Chinese women. There were 2 forigners. A lady, and Me. They definately took advantage of the fact that I was a sexy American, and made me talk in front of everyone. Then they got me to play this game. It was kind of like simon says. Except it was kind of rigged. I couldn't understand what simon was saying, so I was screwed, and I put my thumb up, when it shouldn't have been. SO, as a punishment, I had to either dance, or sing in front of everyone. I told Melanie to intruduce me, and tell them I would be doing an American Free style rap. LOL. I chose CKY2K - Brian's Freestyle(chinese rap) They all started clapping and keeping beat for me, while I totally got into this free style rap. It was definately a precious moment, and I was loving every minute of it. We left shortly after, and went to meet up with Chris.

Although Chris and I don't share some of the basic ideas like religion. I think we can both learn a lot from each other. He has a wealth of informaiton that I love to just soak up. Chris is from the U.K. and I love hanging with him. I had a really good time tonight, and did some networking with some of the Americans, australians, and canadians that are staying in Shenyang right now. All have unique stories, all are good people. Fun stuff.

One more thing I would like to add. Melanie is quite the little box of talents. She is a wizz with jewelery, make up, and clothing design. I was quite impressed. Not to mention she is a fantastic translator, artist, musician, and general good person. She cares about people, and is quite independent. It's been a pleasure getting to know her bit by bit, even for the couple of days I have had with her.
God bless everyone,
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