So right now I am sitting in Janices living room. I just got done dropping her off at school. She started her weekend class today. It sucks because today is really our last day. :~( She has to go to class all day today, and tomorrow, and tomorrow I leave to go back home. Yesterday was our last full day together. It was super fun though. We went to a wedding, that is where I took that beautiful picture of Janice you see above. I have had so much fun here. I mean it has really been amazing. I have experienced so many new things that i've never done or been apart of before. I like California a lot. I like the scenery, I like the people, I like the weather, but I LOVE Janice. That seems to be the most appealing part of California to me. It will be really interesting to see what all God has in store for me and for us. I know it will work out, it is just the whole patience thing that is
really difficult. I'm gonna do it though, mostly because I have no choice. ;~)
I love the fact that Jesus is the center of your relationship! You go boy!