So right when I got to California, Janice took me out to eat at a pirate dinner place. We watched this amazing pirate show, and I had to stand up in front of everyone, and it was a good time. Little did I know Janice was just buying time. . . . .

so she could keep me busy for my SURPRISE BIRTH DAY PARTY!!! She really got me, and I had my first official surprise b-day party. It was a lot of fun. I walked into that house and really was completely surprised, 100%!!

Some days later we went to an amusement park called Notts Berry Farm. It was fun because we went with a bunch of Janices friends. Many were my friends too!! I love her people in a big way.

The next day, or some days later Janice and I, along with another couple Vicky & her b/f Daniel went to this really rich neighborhood that does massive amounts of lit up houses. SO MANY HOUSES!! It was so much fun, and truly beautiful. They sold treats on the street in front of the houses, and there were so many people!

Next stop was Disney Land!! We had an amazing breakfast at the place Janice use to work at. The food was SOOO GOOD!! That girl knows how to eat too, I tell you what! ;o) The cool thing about this picture is that a complete stranger walked by us and stopped to say, "Ohhh, you two look so happy!!" It made us both smile and feel good.

This was while we waited in line for the Haunted Mansion. Janice is toe most beautiful woman I have ever laid eyes on.

This was the first day I got to see the Pacific ocean in person. It was truly amazing, to see, smell, and almost taste the ocean. It was a really beautiful thing. To feel the breeze, I felt like I belonged there. I really did. I would love to live by the ocean, is that wrong?
There are so many more pictures. I am just going to throw a bunch of random ones in, and let them speak for themselves. ENJOY!!

What an amazing trip I had. But I am home now, getting back into the groove of a new semester. Ready to kick some butt and work really hard at doing the best I can do. Living a life for Christ and acting on the Holy Spirit, not my own.
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