I was up pretty early to get to Snider High School by 7:15AM. Ben (fellow YL leader) and I met up to deliever donuts and welcome students to school this morning as they walked to class. It is a great opportunity for them to become familiar with our faces, and to attempt to show them that we care. I think that consistency will really pay off with this specific venture. My method is to say good morning as much as possible, and when approperiate, attempt to make them laugh with whatever method possible. It works pretty good to get smiles. I just want them to know that I care about them, and am willing to do whatever it takes for them to know someone really does care about them.
After their bell rang, I headed off to IPFW (Indiand University Purdue University Fort Wayne), my school and went straight to the top of the parking garage.

For whatever reason, I love to study up here. It is one of my, if not my favorite place to be with God. I had my car warm up a bit, then I just shut it off and read.
As soon as I got done with my lesson, I went right to the library. Read, studied, learned, etc. Then I went to class at noon. Class sucked, i'm not gonna lie. I am not a huge fan of this semesters classes. I feel no redeeming value in them. There is a redeeming value in Spanish, it is closely tied to Janice and her family. But, other than that. . . not much.
The night ended with me going to Campus Crusades (university ministry). My friend and fellow Young Life leader Val was giving the talk tonight. I wanted to support her.

In the picture above is Val giving her talk. She did a real good job. It was about spreading the love and joy of Christ. After, I went to the 24/7 study lab and studied till about 11:30pm. . . it is super late, I am not tired, but I need to try to go to bed. I have an exam in Geology, and although I feel like I should be prepared, I do not feel entirely prepared. . . . We will see what happens.
I like the blue hair. I thought I would only see that in LA.