I got to work, work is very early in the morning; but I go. After work got out, I went to school and stopped by the international language office to see what I could be doing to prepare for my "Advanced First Year Spanish" class I passed into for the Fall semester.
Then I strolled over to the Library to do my Bible study.

It was a good Bible study. Yes in deed it was. Not really in deed, it was more in study. . . anyways. After I finished my Bible study I left the library. . . But just as soon as I was pulling off campus, I realized I did not check something on the computer that I needed to check. So, I called my sister Brandy and asked if I could stop by their apartment to check on one of their computers. I did this for several reasons-> 1st They (Brandy & her Fiance Jon) wanted me to come over and see the new color they (Jon, lol) but on the walls. 2nd It was on the way to where I needed to go next. 3rd I don't see them enough, and although it was a brief stay, it was better than nothing.

The apartment looked good. Way better than the off white nastiness they had going for umpteen years before this color. Next place to tackle? THE KITCHEN!
Next on my list of things to accomplish was to go shopping for the summer. I needed clothes BADLY! So, I went to Marshalls and got er done! I dropped like almost $230.00 but, I think i'm good to go now. Shorts, nice shirts, work shoes, flip flops, underwear, socks, etc.
Then I called George and we went to go and check out the location his dad owns that he agreed to let Dave church use for our opening time. Did I mention he is allowing us to utilize this space for free?

Now this is just a possible location, he does own other places that are not currently rented out. It is a great location though, and we could really make the inside work. It is such a God thing. I so wish I could be here (in Indiana) for the coming out of Dave Church, but I guess I am not supposed to, and so that is just that. It is incredible to see God's hand at work. Who knows what is going to happen, but I feel everything is being done just as it should be. And I know the answer to that question I just threw out, because God knows.

Since George and I were already there, we decided to just do our Bible study there. We did, and it was grand! I hope a whole lot more of that can start to happen within these walls. . . That is if it is God's will for it to happen that way.
I went back 2 work, then after work George and I went to a movie downtown at the Cinema Center, which plays independent films. We saw, "The Great Buck Howard." It was a little slow, but a good film I thought.
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