I got out of work, and went directly to school. I sold 2 books that I used for the semester and got a little over $100.oo for um. That's SICK compared to what I paid for um, but ehh, that's the life of a college student these days. The picture of me above is me waiting outside a bookstore called The Bookmark. I wanted to see if they would take 2 books that my school book store would not. THEY DIDN'T! Ohh well, I got my Bible Study done anyways.

I took the money that I made from my text books, and went to the Anchor Room. The Anchor Room is this really cool Christian book store that is in Fort Wayne. I have been wanting to get a new Study Bible for a long time. My old one got ruined from water damage, and I have never had the extra cash lying around to go and spend on it. Well, selling these textbooks finally allowed me to go for it. So I did just that. I got the Life Application Study Bible, and it is super nice. It is leather bound to go with my other Bible that has my name on it, and I just SUPER LOVE IT! It has profiles of the different people in the Bible, and it is just extremely awesome.
Then I was tearing down my weight set, because I wanted to sell it in a big garage sell that is going to go on for Young Life kids to go to CAMP. Well, when I was taking apart the bench bar, I left some weight on it and let go of the other side. . . . well, then this happened.

Yeah, geeze gravity was working really good today. Them weights are perdy heavy too.

I went to work, and realized that there will be no more Friday movie days. I don't think I will be doing YMCA childcare next year. Pretty excited, not because I don't love the kids, because I do. But because God is opening up some other doors. And I am excited to walk through them.
Then there was one more movie.
That is correct, Star Track. I went and saw it with George. I am not a fan, but the movie was great, and George really enjoyed it a bunch. The shirt I was in above was Georges shirt from a while ago. It fit me good. lol, it was fun to play the part.
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