Well, eventually I went out and did some looking/shopping. I found what I didn't want. I decided online was going to be the way to go this year. My mom is the most important to buy for. If I please her, all is well. That's just the way it is. :-)
When I was driving home through my neighborhood I saw many people attempting to clear the ice off their driveway. There was one little old'er lady who really looked like she was struggling. She was working on one little corner of her huge driveway, but wasn't making much leeway. I decided as I drove by that I would take care of her driveway for her. It was a steep one so it took importance. I went home, changed clothes and headed to her house. Without even informing her, I started clearing away. She found out I was clearing when the mail lady had to deliever a piece of mail to her door. Half way through the clearing she called me up to her door. She said that she would pay me, and I politely turned it down. After much debate, she informed me that I had to at least accept $10.oo, so I took it. She seemed very thankful, and that was that. Well, I had it put on my heart to keep looking around the neighborhood for anyone else who was in need of help. I found a guy. His name turned out to be Ray Harrison. I had no idea who he was when I drove up on him. All I knew was that he was a gentlemen older than my parents who had one hand on a scraper, and the other on his back. He looked like he was in pain, so I knew what I was going to do. I started helping, and we started talking. Turns out he is an associate pastor for the Church I grew up in (Grabill Missionary). It was such an awesome blessing. We had more in common than I thought possible. He had a stem cell therapy not too long ago for a rare bone cancer he was diagnosed with. We knew so many of the same people, it was awesome. Also, he had a sweet English accent which made talking to a really cool dude even cooler!! He blessed me by giving me some sound advice on a minor struggle, and then praying for me when we were all done. His wife also gave me some X-Mas cookies which were THE BOMB!! It was very unique and awesome.
The day ended with me taking the $10 bucks I got from that lady and buying a pizza at Za-Time Pizza which is a new pizza place that I am connected to in a pretty cool way (not cool enough for me to say). I bought it, and took it over to Chris's house to share. We watched The Dark Knight and it was cool. THE END.
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