This is video number (#) 2. I hope you enjoyed the short little video called INVISIBLE that my friend Tom made. I posted it yesterday. My friend Ryan put this one together. The title, as it clearly states above is FACES. I love this one mostly because I am in it. Just kidding!! No, but seriously that is really why I like it so much. HA!! Got ya.....but seriously. I realized this too. Unless you are just infatuated with humans (like me), then this video might not be too cool to you. I know the greater majority of people in this video, so it kind of has extra meaning to me.
Today after I got out of work, I went and took care of some final gathering of items for SKI trip. I got some awesome ski goggles. They were having a huge sale at MC Sports that I hit up. The goggles are sweet!! Double layered for extra ~no fog~ protection. Check it out.

After work, I went home early. I went home early because they are cutting hours. :-( It is frustrating, but God is bigger than my pay check, and I am at peace with that side of it. The part I am struggling with is the fact that I feel extremely unappreciated. That part does not feel good. I even put in extra hours (on my own time) to try to get my regular hours back (it's complicated), and still receive nothing for it. Well, not yet anyways. When I say receive, I mean receive my original hours back. That is my goal.
Then I went to BSF later in the evening. It was really good, and will be the last one until the first of the year when we start up again. I have a book I am going to read, and other things that will keep me spiritually active while BSF is not in session.
Then I went to the YMCA to work out. I felt it was time for a picture of me @ the YMCA. I'm just sorry I couldn't bring a picture of me flexing my muscles in all their glory. It was just too difficult trying to lift the weight and snap the picture at the same time.

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