I can just "feel" that a new LOOK for my BLOG is just around the corner. Something really awesome and sweet is going to take place on this here online journal of mine. I am going to make it sweet & simple. Then, I am going to bring the masses to it. I think I have a lot of good to share, and people need a good "life" blog to follow. Heck, if more people BLOGGED like I do, I would follow them. I like the every day in's and out's of life.
Okay, so something happened today that is worth sharing. I totally got locked out of the house. I was coming home after my 10:30AM-11:45AM class today when I realized I was locked out of the house. I got the garage door opened, but the door to the actual house was locked mysteriously for some reason. UGHHHH!!! This was a problem, because I had to PEE like a race horse. I was really determined to get inside. Well, not because I had to pee, because I ended up taking care of that in the back yard....."hoping no neighbors were home and looking into their back yards. Anyways, I knew one of the screens only locked in on half the side on one of the windows on the second floor. So......

The latter part of my day was spent in STUDIO-M at IPFW. I was working on the brocure for my OLS group project.
One last thing. I got my test back for that first OLS test. I got a 90% and was pretty pumped about that.
G'Night (11:16PM)
ReplyDeleteIs it a mental thing or are you just getting ancient like the rest of us. It won't be long and you won't have a tooth in your head
and Phil Collins ?????????????? come on man whats next "Wham"?
Old Man by the side of the road(he got kicked out his pew)
so do tell, what were you making for lunch oh great chef? mac and cheese or raman noodles...lol
ReplyDeleteWell, this time it was Mac & Cheese...but shhhhhh, I want people to think I have culinary skills.