I was suppose to work at 8:00 this morning, but at 7:33 I got a text informing me that there would be no work. ughhh, So I went in for a meeting at a coffee shop with Josh (YL Staff) Rich (YL Committee) and Ryan (YL Leader). It was good and I walked away from it with some encouraging scripture that some of the guys have come up with through their personal studies. Starting in Mark 10:46 is the story of Bartimaeus. This is a guy who was shamed by his townspeople, yet he didn't care. When Jesus came walking through Jericho, he shouted out over and over, "Jesus, Son of David, have mercy on me!" The conclusion that we came to was that this dude knew who he was, but furthermore, he knew who Christ was. In the end, Jesus says, "go, your faith has healed you." The point Josh pondered from this story was this: as Christians, why do we get comfortable where we are at? When the pastor asks if anyone is in need of prayer at the end of a service, why do we slouch down, and dig into our seat? We need to be like Bartimaeus, get over this introverted spirituality, and really live it out for God, he is really the only one we should be trying to impress. It just spoke to me, that's all.
So then I get home, and I check my E-Mail. Well, one of my friends from China posted an update on his BLOG. It kind of made my heart sink, and I am at a loss for words to try to comfort Frank. If you are interested in the situation, read it by CLICKING HERE. I met Frank (guy who lost his niece) and Rafe(writer of BLOG) while I was in China. Rafe was my next door neighbor, and Frank was his care taker. I got to be really close with them while in China. They even came to visit me a while back in November because Rafe has family that live pretty close. CLICK HERE to see the post of when they came to have dinner with us. So, here is the problem I run into. I want to call Frank, and I probably will once I think he is awake, but it is going to be difficult for me to console him. I probably have such a vastly different view of life & death and pain then they do. Especially after reading this current book, Where is God When it Hurts? It's such a nasty situation though, BUT so much personal & spiritual growth can come out of it...If you really try to see it for what it is. I dunno, Pray for Frank right now, because he is really hurting.
So in the evening after I got back from Dave Church, I took some Young Life guys to a Mad Antz game. Reggie came along as well.

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