I think that today was a pretty solid day. I say this because I got a lot accomplished and had super high spirits, higher than normal even.
I didn't feel like a plumb melon head or anything.I felt more like a blessed servant of Christ. I got some incredible news from a friend in California. The enormously generous person who is flying me out to Arizona and back just confirmed the flights today. I am totally pumped for this. It is going to be an amazing and SWEET experience to serve God and kids. I believe we are called to be a servant in all facets of life, but getting a chance to serve at a place like a Young Life camp is especially neat for someone who is wanting to directly serve kids. I say this because these kids are taken out of their element, we (myself and the kids that will come to the camp) will have a chance to really take a good look on the inside and seek God's face in a more inwardly directed sort of fashion. I am just so excited! Today I spent a lot of my day in the computer lab at IPFW (Indiana University Purdue University Fort Wayne). I have a group project coming up next Thursday for my communications class and I am going to really be proactive with my group. I started out by printing out some general ideas and things of the sort to kind of drop kick our project into the right direction. It was a successful group meeting. I like the people in the group, and feel that we should do just fine.
Also, on campus today they were providing free food. It was pretty cool. I met up with my friend and fellow Young Life leader Ryan and ate up some food and chatted about our summer plans and such. It was motivating and so pretty outside today.
All the sunniness kind of has a way of making a guy pretty sleepy. :-)
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