He has risen! Well, actually he did that a long time ago. But today is a great day to remember and be thankful. Or, maybe today is a great reminder for Christ followers to remember, be thankful, pray and stay watchful. I am typing again with two hands. My right fingers are still sluggish, and my right pinky does not like to cooperate when hitting the P key. I have a feeling it will all come back though.

Today's devotional was titled, "Am I Carnally Minded?" First thing I had to do was define Carnality. Merriam-Webster defines Carnality as such; a: relating to or given to crude bodily pleasures and appetites b: marked by sexuality <carnal love>
Two of the readings in today's devotional were 1 Corinthians 3:3 & Galatians 5:16. I like to read the whole chapter to get a better understanding and to just be in the word. In Corinthians it states quite clearly that we nothing. This is the view point we must take in order to deny ourselves which is coming up in Galatians. Even the people who plant the message of Christ and the people who teach the message of Christ are nothing. God is the only one who can give us solid ground to walk, grow, and live on. The only thing we can really do is say yes or no to him. This leads to the reading in Galatians. IF you are living in the spirit you are not living in the flesh, meaning in sin. To me it is really clearly put in Galatians 5:16-21 it is spelled out very clearly for us. BUT, because of the whole free will thing we have got to seek it. When I slip, or feel tempted for whatever, I go to God. When the Carnal desires of my flesh scream out and it would be easy for me to give in, instead of making excuses I get on my knees and sincerely pray for strength. I have NEVER been ignored. This is walking in the spirit, and it is so much more gratifying than sin.
I woke up this morning and felt like crap. I had a horrible sore throat, and just an over all icky feeling. I decided to stay home from going with my parents my Aunts. I am going to study Psychology. I have an exam on Tuesday. I know I promised some good pictures yesterday, so I will see what I can do with what I have available...
(12:21AM) POST

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