Today I woke up to immense pain. Now I do not mean to get to graphic but I have to explain this explicitly for my own memory. I woke up and like most people I had to go and use the restroom. I had to urinate pretty badly so I expected everything to come out fine. I sat down and then I experienced the worst burning sensation I have ever had in my life. Ohh my goodness it was awful! Hardly anything came out, and I was yelling because it hurt so badly. The burning stayed there, and came and went for a while. I went downstairs and tried to eat some breakfast but was in too much pain. I eventually took a shower, and then laid down for a bit before I headed off to IPFW. What the heck was that all about?!?!? It went away and the tubing went back to normal. It hurt so badly though.....

I had to go to IPFW to participate in my first "research experiment" thingy. As one of the expectations of the class we have to partake in 5 of these research things. I looked at different pieces of artwork and rated them and told how they made me feel, and gave minimal personal information and all this stuff. Then I was done and I got my credit. OK, whatever.......I met up with Josh (Young Life regional director) at the Fire Fly (local coffee shop) and we discussed where I am at and where I can be at. We talked about how I would benefit greatly from going to as many seminars and just good Young Life events where I can learn and participate in the understanding and make up of Young Life. I was getting pretty excited to hear all that. Josh keeps telling me that the sky is the limit for me because I am so natural with the kids. I would think that he would say something similar to that to most of the volunteer leaders that come and help out with Young Life, but for some reason I really believe him when he says it to me. We will see what comes of it. I just know that I am going to continue to give my all to the ministry, because I feel really driven to do so.I went to Snider to hang out with the kids and locked my keys in my car again. I did this yesterday at my friend Jareds house. And I did it 2 times last week. My memory is going to the crapper for sure. It really bothers me, but how to I change that? Maybe something as simple as a spare key will do the trick.

In the evening I went to Reggies tae kwon doe and hung out there for a bit. Then I got to take him to the Art Supply store. Ya see Josh and his wife Ashley A.K.A. Young Life decided to get him a $20.oo certificate to this really nice art store because Reggie has some really great talent. WOW, when we got there he was so suprised and thankful!!! He just started talking about all these ideas he has and all these pictures he wants to create. How he wants to go and try to learn shading a lot better, and just wouldn't stop about how thankful he was. He had a smile that could be seen from a mile away.
As I left from dropping Reggie off, it was pretty dark in the ghetto and I hit a curb or a pot hole and I think it bent my right rear rim because my tire went flat right away. It was really cold and raining pretty hard so I had to go and change it. I was freezing! But I made it happen.......even though the donut was flat and I put it on backwards....I went to a G-Station and fixed it and was on my way home. I think those spare tires look so friggin silly because they are just so
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