__Read this post with a Chip on your shoulder, because that is how I wrote it__
So, this is what's going on with my health as of now. For the past 3 or 4 weeks I have noticed my long distance vision starting to get a bit blurry. I notice it at odd times. I know it isn't as good as it use to be because ohhh say I look at the electric sign for the BP station, I can't see it until I am right up at it. I have never had that problem before. I feel fine, but my MRI back in October told my doctors that the medication wasn't doing what it was suppose to be doing. So, like almost 3 months ago, the M/S center pulled me off the Avonex I was on, hoping I would be off any treatment for a month, and then I could start the Tysabri........Well, things got complicated and it has taken forever to get insurance approval, find an injection site, do this, fill that out, contact these people, talk about this, call him, fill this out, bla bla bla bla bla! Finally, things have gotten taken care of and I have an appointment with Dr. Gupta who is with Fort Wayne Neurology. My neurologist is @ the Indiana Center for M/S, and that isn't going to change. The whole reason I go do Indianapolis for my M/S doc. is because I don't agree with Dr. Gupta, and didn't appreciate how I was treated when I was first diagnosed. BUT, I don't want to have to drive to Indianapolis every month for my Tysabri I.V. injection therapy. (sigh) So, on Thursday the 21st I go to have my initial consultation with Dr. Gupta and then hopefully the infusion/monotherapy will start soon there after. I can only hope.....................
I was pretty upset with the girls at gymnastics practice today. Well, with most of them anyway. The younger girls did really good, and practice hard like they always do. BUT, the older varsity girls had bad attitudes and took advantage of the fact that there were only 2 coaches (me & Lori) ughh, that just rubbed me the very wrong way. I have a million other things I could be doing. I really do, but I take the time out of my BUSY FRIGGIN SCHEDULE, to come and try to do the best I can with these girls. I get bad attitudes and grief for my efforts. I am so glad I have Young Life tomorrow, and even gladder (don't care if it is a fake word) that Michelle (head coach) is back from Aruba (she won a trip there with her husband). My frustration level went through the roof today, and I just hate that. Ohh man do I hate that.
I had an amazing time at Snider Lunch today. This kid who is totally in a pretty hard gang communicated with me, and told me things I didn't even ask him about. I was suprised to see how much he opened up to me. And will be excited to see how much more he allows himself to drop his guard in the future. It was a God thing through and through. It always is though.
I am so excited for Young Life tomorrow!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
Ohh yea, I got a 66% on my first Psychology exam. I studied for it too.................
You are FRIGGIN STRANGE DUDE..Wow you are all over the place with your thoughts, criticisms, attitudes "especially",hopes,hates, and on and on....You can't be so critical of others and there jobs, choices, or thoughts when yours are all over the place...Geez give people a chance, we are all busy and all have hopes and dreams..t's not just a Mikey World..Try Tony Dungys book "QUIET STRENGTH" for a suggestion from yesterdays post..God Bless and PEACE