I went to work at Pathway and got there at 8:00AM I was there till 6:15PM, so I put in a good 10 hour day. I got a lot done there today though. Towards the end I was putting up some pretty interesting shelving units in a very tight space back behind a wall that kind of got forced into a storage space.
See, this picture makes sense to me, but it may not to anyone else. There are walls all around the seating area at Pathway. The walls are created for aesthetic appeal as well as sound berriers so an echo doesn't get created in the area. They aren't straight walls, they zig zag so there is space behind them and the exterior walls. This gives us space for storage. At the very lower left area you can see an area where I enter and exit. Like I said, it was a very small fit. I was making it work though.

Tomorrow morning I leave with someone to go to Louisville, KY. Young Life is having a leader ship summit there and I was told I ought to go. So, I am going. I don't have any expectations, and I just hope I will have access to a computer at the hotel we are staying at. That's all I got for now. Hopefully I can BLOG tomorrow, but if not, I promise I will take good pictures and share first thing when I get back on Sunday. :-)
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