I got off work and went home and got showered up real quick. I wanted to take a nap, BUT NO REST FOR THE WEARY! I quickly headed off to game night. This was game night for Young Life leaders and committee members. It was pretty fun.

I just couldn't get it right today. I felt really stupid, no matter what I did I just couldn't get my memory working correctly. AHHHHHHHH!
So, then I go to Dave church.....and I locked my keys in my car. Why the heck did I even lock my car? It was at Daves house in eye sight of where I was sitting the whole time, I don't even remember locking it. I have no idea what was going through my head. DO'OH!!!
I'm going to bed
Well, I had my appointment at Fort Wayne Neurology today. It was to be my initial appointment for my Tysabri, and well I talked with Dr. Gupta and changed my outlook on him and Tysabri. He informed me of how just in the past 2 weeks Tysabri has shown to cause Moles (which I have 2 decent sized moles) to turn into melanoma. I have had Dr. Gupta wrong this whole time, and he pointed out some things to me that I have been feeling all along. I have never felt positive about starting Tysabri, and always felt it was a bit of a risk to my health. I prayed that if God did not want me to start this medication that he would just close the doors to making it happen. WELL, that is exactly what has happened over and over again. Dr. Gupta also told me that after looking over my records and everything he just doesn't think that Interferon's work in my body....... WOWZERS, I have felt this way for a long long time! To hear him say that to me was just like very Godish to me. "is that an ok term to use?" So, he said he wants me to get another MRI and then consider copaxone before any other treatment. ughhhh, COPAXONE is a daily shot! AHHHHHHHHHHHHH!!!!!!
I dunno though, God is in control of everything. I am not.
Dr. Gupta also wants to know if there is anyway he can see any documentation about what was done to me in China. He said he didn't even care if it was all in Chinese. He wants to have some papers in hand to see what was done. I thought that was pretty cool. Had me a gymnastics meet as well today. It went pretty darn good and the girls got their score back up in the low 90's. I was pretty proud of them for that. We only have one home meet left. I am kind of glad for that too. I will have to much more time to devote to Young Life kids, and my studies. HORRAY!
I feel so horrible for bad mouthing Dr. Gupta all this time. I was a jerk to do that. I feel like the next time I see him I should just give him a hug and apologize. He would be so confused, but I really was a big ole jerk for not understanding where he was really coming from. He is a good guy, he just has a lot on his hands.
Haley Chaney's CarePage at Lutheran Hospital was updated this evening at 11:21 pm. I will copy the text and post it with the comments at the bottom of the original posting about the accident. Here is a little bit:
To our family and friends…all of you who have held Haley before the Lord. We love and appreciate you so much!
We finished day 6. As of 6pm tonight, Haley is breathing without the help of a respirator. All the tubes still remain. She is doing great! Praise God for getting us this far! All of her vitals remained excellent today. They will see how she does tonight.
Tomorrow is a big day. Sometime in the morning they will take her off of the sedatives. ___________________________________________________
It was a really fun tour too, I learned a bunch about fire fighters.
After that, I went home for a bit, and just relaxed for a fraction of a second it felt like, and then I was off to Global Christian Fellowship. This is a ministry at IPFW and I was allowed to speak at their meeting to talk a little bit about Young Life. There was some interest given, and I gave out my E-Mail. We will see what comes of it. There was a lot more people than this, but this was after everyone broke up into small groups. We did a short and confusing study on Romans chapter 6. I am not sure if I learned anything. It was kind of confusing, and most of the people used big words.......
After the GCF (Global Christian Fellowship) meeting I called Jared (best friend in the world), because he lives close to where they meet and asked if I could swing by before I went home. He said yes, and we got kind of caught up on things. I let him know how much I love him, and that I pray for him mondo a lot. I love that guy.
I am going to go to sleep soon, I am pretty excited about that. I bet I have some neat dreams tonight, I just have like a million things racing through my head right now.
Then, this guy who I have been befriending for the past couple of weeks opened up a little something to me. He told me he had to go to the hospital, and of course I inquired about it, just like I believe he wanted me to do. Then he told me about his friend Haley Chaney. She was in a horrible car accident near Norwell High School. As he told me about it, I could tell just how much this has disrupted his life. I felt like all I could do was tell him I would pray for her and that I would mention it in my BLOG so that other people could be informed to pray for her. IF YOU CLICK HERE It will take you to a BLOG that tells what happened in the car accident, and keeps regular updates on her current condition. I could tell that his heart was just going out for this girl. Mine did just as he spoke about her. Please pray for Haley readers. I just really have it put hard on my heart to pray for this girl and her family. I have come to KNOW that prayer is such a mighty tool for Christians. Please lift this girl up in prayer.
Young Life was amazing tonight. I was planning on taking Reggie @ Cory, two kids that I would really love to reach out to. Cory asked if he could bring his friend along, they both said they had a good time. That makes me so happy when they want to come back the next week. It’s pretty amazing to see God work in people’s lives when they don’t even know or see it themselves. Thank you Young Life!
I am so getting sick, my glands or whatever they are under my chin are getting big and it hurts to swallow. AHHHHH! I don't have time to be sick, I don't see how it will fit into my schedule.
For the past couple of weeks I have been trying to go and see a movie. I call people and try to make something happen, but it keeps falling through time and time again. It happened again today, so I just said, "enough" and I went and saw There Will be Blood al by myself. I enjoyed it actually. It was the first time I have ever gone and seen a movie all by myself. The movie was okay, but the time to myself was amazing!
I had a gymnastics meet tonight, and I was hardly there. I found it very difficult to motivate the girls, and I had a thought on my mind. This thought has been plaguing me, I think it would be safe to call this “thought” emotional baggage. (This might be a contradicting BLOGG) Even when you have forgiven yourself, and have asked for forgiveness from God, I think it is ohh so important to the healing process to ask for forgiveness from the person you have wronged. I have had it put on my heart to ask for forgiveness from a specific person. I did, and it was really difficult for me to do. My personality surprises me ohh so often. I can think through a scenario a million times and know exactly what to say, then when it comes down to speaking time, I get rattled and flake out. I got my message across, but I was wordless and dry towards the end. I actually froze up a bit. I said what I felt lead to say, and then just kind of froze up. I did however feel a bit of weight lifted off my shoulders. It felt good to know I can let something go. I guess now that I am able to analyze myself a bit, I can say that my evening was maybe disrupted by these uneasy feelings that I was harboring. I wonder why things work like that? Why can’t things just be lifted from your psyche and then diminished? Why is it that God allows things to linger? Does he, or is that all on my part? When God forgives, he forgets, how come I can’t forget? Why does it take so long to forgive certain people or situations? How come some things hurt so bad? I have a lot on my mind, I hope I can sleep tonight.
I needed to write what was on my mind. It will be good for me to read what I wrote and go over it in the future. Sorry if my words are confusing.
Can anyone SUGGEST a book for me to read? I think I would really like to read a good book that will challenge me spiritually. I really want to start reading a good book. The last book I started to read was over my head, an I didn't enjoy it. I didn't even read half of it. I would really like it if someone would RECCOMEND a good book for me. PLEASE PLEASE PLEASE
Once we got to the Hotel we gathered with all the girls. It is packed with all types of people from all walks of life. It's great because we get to go to different seminars and get all kinds of useful information.There are a lot of great people here with so much good input and amazing information to learn from. Tonight after the speaker we decided to go geocashing. It was amazing! There we some people from our group, and then I invited a couple of guys that I just happened to come accross. They were from urban Indianapolis, and it showed too. It was so much fun to try this new activity out with them. It's crazy, you get these coordinates from online, and then you plug them into your GPS and it guides you to a location. Once you get there you have to find the "item" and then fill out a log book, and if you take an item, you must replace it with an item. It was so much fun and everyone was able to get into it. AWESOME! I am meeting some really cool peoople and borading my horizons.
People are settling down now and singing, and the piano is playing. Some one has a really pretty and interesting voice right now. I am super tired though, and I think it is time for me to go to bed. PEACE!
Tomorrow morning I leave with someone to go to Louisville, KY. Young Life is having a leader ship summit there and I was told I ought to go. So, I am going. I don't have any expectations, and I just hope I will have access to a computer at the hotel we are staying at. That's all I got for now. Hopefully I can BLOG tomorrow, but if not, I promise I will take good pictures and share first thing when I get back on Sunday. :-)
I have a serious prayer requst. My long time friend is an alcoholic. He is in complete denial as well. I am scared because he is making very foolish decisions when he drinks. He drinks a lot, all the time and will not listen to the people who care about him. Please pray for Adam, he knows the truth but refuses to settle in it. His parents are alcoholics and I love him. I am honestly scared for his life. Pray that he is kept safe even in his bad decisions. God has a much bigger plan than this. He is hurting real bad, and this seems to be his only escape.