Sunday, January 13, 2008

quite a day

I stayed busy today. For a Sunday, which are typically slow and not very exciting; today was not that at all. This morning, I started out directing traffic at Pathway Community Church; this is where I go to church Sun. morning. I was not looking forward to having to do this. In fact, it would be safe to say I was dreading it. I had never done this before, and didn't really know how people were going to react. Well, I was praying hard about it, starting at 5:17 this morning when I woke up worried. The only thing that was bad about it was the cramp I got in my arms from having them up for so long.

Once the second service was over it was time to set up for a big dinner/banquet the church was having to say thank you to all the volunteers. We set up, stacked up, rolled out, decorated, and this that and everything.

I should have taken a picture of the room with all the chairs set up nicely like they are in a service. Mind you, we seat over a thousand people in a full service at Pathway. That is a lot of CHAIRS! For the show, I was in charge of the lights. It was a lot of fun, and I think everything went really nicely. I felt like I was setting the "ambient mood" for the crowd during worship time. You know, put a spot light on the pastor when he is speaking, and dim the house lights so that everyone pays attention to what they are suppose to. There was a lot of work put into it, very much fun.

Todays sermon expanded on Daniel and his boys shadrack, meshack & abendigo. It talked more about identity, and these were some of the notes I took. The things that stood out to me. The condition of your heart will determine your response to the worry. Daniel and his crew could have really freaked out to some of the things they went through. BUT, because they had prepared and conditioned their hearts, they reacted in a way that reflected that.

1. Fix your eyes on Jesus daily. Try to see him in everything.

A. scripture/silence Being in the scripture is so important, it changes your life. It transforms your life. I am a living testimony to this truth. -Mikey

B. observe Watch God at work, try to see what you read.

C. apply The truth's that you find in scripture need to be applied to real life scenarios. Otherwise, they are just stories.

D. Knees, time in prayer Christianity is not a one sided relationship. We can't just listen, I think it is so important to express my fears & excitement.

2. Hand your worries to God, no matter what you are worrying about, just admit to God that it is too much for you. It's okay to do this, and God is more than willing to help us carry the burden.

3. Keep God on a throne. We mustn't ever forget the Majesty of God.

4. Rest in the promises of God. If you really "trust" in God, worry shouldn't ever be there. But, because we are human, we can rest assured that if/when we worry, we can still give it right up to Abba.

5. Dont wait in your worry. If you prolong your worries, they will only become stronger and attempt to take over.

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