Today I woke up late; it was probably almost noon before I got up and around. This was really nice, because I have a feeling that my future isn’t going to involve too many more of these kinds of days. Once I got around I got some errands taken care of, and went to Meijer for my mom. She had a list of things that she needed, and I only screwed up on two items. I got plain instead of vanilla yogurt, and then I got her the wrong kind of anti-congestion medicine. Other then that, the rest was a success. YESS! Later in the afternoon I took out a little packet that I got from one of the guys in my morning Bible study. His name is Nick and he is actually one of the pastors from the church it is associated with. I asked him last Friday if he had any books or information on spiritual gifts. I told him that I have really been seeking this, and wanted to know if he had any input. He did, and I took it. It is titled FINDING YOUR SPIRITUAL GIFTS. By C. Peter Wagner. I like how it says this on one of the pages you read after you answerer the 135 questions it has for you. It says, While not meant to be “dogmatic” or final, these definitions and supporting scriptures do correspond to characteristics of the gifts expressed in the Wagner-Modified Houts Questionnaire. That would be pretty crazy if a Questionnaire could be DOGMATIC. After taking the test, it showed my highest scoring to be in Knowledge, Exhortation, Faith, Intercession and Leading Worship. For the most part I already knew what this test told me, but it is nice to see it down on paper. I went over it with my dad after I was done, he said he agreed with it too. I really prayed over it before I took it and I feel like it revealed truth, and I think I kind of needed that. Especially with Exhortation: “Sometimes called the gift of counseling-is the special ability that God gives to certain members of the Body of Christ to minister words of comfort, consolation, encouragement and counsel to other members of the Body in such a way that they feel helped and healed.
Acts 14:22,
Romans 12:8,
1 Timothy 4:13,
Hebrews 10:25.
Today, I also got to go back to the Saturday evening church I was attending that my former Youth Pastor does. I had to stop going because of the Job I got with SIRVA, but I don't have to worry about that anymore cuz I got CANNED, or I suppose the politically correct term is
"laid off." I also get to go to Church tomorrow, I am really looking forward to singing and her the pastor give a message and take notes. It almost gets me gitty like a school girl making an A. :-)
Hi Mikey ! Yes, it is a small world isn't it? My husband was adopted also. We are special people... we were picked ! LOL From what I have read, you are a very loving and caring person and I think you would make a wonderful counselor. Being able to listen to someone and then offer them words of strength and guidance is truely a gift. (((HUGS)))
ReplyDeletewell i wasn't "picked" but i am special too......i truly believe some people have it in them to be spiritual leaders and some don't..almost a gift from birth...the more i read and feel your feelings and ideas and hopes for people and yourself i believe you are chosen to be a leader..your outer self may fight it but you are a helper and a leader and that is what gives you happiness..YOU WILL SUCCEED. YOU ARE CHOSEN