win-ter was on my mi---ind
and, win-ter was on, my mi---ind
I got no real troubles, whoa-oh
I got no real worries, whoa-oh
I got, no wounds to bind.
So I got my car back
and it eased a some paa--ins
I got no real troubles, whoa-oh
I got no real worries, whoa-oh
Then I came home a-gain.
I hope someone out there appreciated that parody. At least one person, I wouldn't want that to be in vain. It is official, winter has made itself known. I got my car back, and I am rocking it out in the Tempo once again. I spent big booka on it, but it is running like a champ. That makes me all tingly inside. This morning I cleared off the drive way and walks for my mom because she had Bible Study Fellowship at our house for the ladies. My mom is a leader this year, and so I had the driveway all cleared off for them. Once she pulled into the garage, I stopped her and sincerely apologized to her for going off on her yesterday out of frustration. She appreciated it, and it was a good thing. I made a couple of apologies today, and they are an important part of life. When you can sincerely apologize for a behavior or act, it shows that you are willing to take a pride hit. I think that is so vital, I am going to make a goal to incorporate that into my daily life more often. Hopefully it will serve as a reminder to NOT BE A JERK!

I had a blast at Young Life tonight. This is a picture of a game gone wrong. Maybe wrong is an over statement. I should say, "game gone funny." The objective was to put an orange in the pantie house, then put the pantyhose on your head. Once this is accomplished, you must try to wrap your pantie hose around your opponents pantyhose, pulling it off his/her head without using your hands. Well, turns out this is a really hard task to accomplish. It was really funny though.
The best part of Young Life came when I got to take full advantage of having a vehicle. I got to give these 3 guys a ride home. God was definitely in that car ride too. They kind of lived on the "other" side of town, and I didn't have a clue where to go. Well, I prayed that got keep us safe, and that I wouldn't look like a complete fool. I completely guessed where to go. Turns out, I was right on. This was pretty amazing to me, because this was not my side of the rail road tracks, and I really was driving blind, and these kids offered me no direction what-so-ever. I think I found one of my target kids too. I am so pumped, and specific prayer can be for me and Reggie. That he would be able to see that I am genuinely interested in him and his life, and that I can connect with him. His birth day is on the 9th, and I am going to try to get a hold of his home phone number so I can give him a call, and maybe take him out for a late night b-day dinner or something like that. I am excited to see where God will take this.
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