I like to live my life as an open book because it provides me with accountability and allows me to look back and remember things I may have otherwise forgotten. But, the only negative part is living as an open book allows people to see your strengths and weaknesses. After the wedding reception on Saturday, I went back to my friend Jason’s house. I was with ole high school chums, and totally justified drinking until I
couldn’t walk straight. It was a mistake, and I believe it takes away from my witness and on a more personal level it takes a little bit away from my self worth. The good news is, I am forgiven and won’t let it stand in the way of bettering myself. This morning I woke up and went to 6AM Bible study, I told the guys what I did and how it made me feel. It was healthy for me not to have to keep it bottled up inside. Then I went home and cleaned up the house. My mom and pops are in Tennessee for New Years, so I decided to clean my mom’s car to surprise her with a gleaming ride when she gets home. Amidst all the cleaning and vacuuming I came across my book, “The Masters Plan for Evangelism.” It was so awesome and strange. I decided to clean that car just to be nice, and then
BAM, I find this awesome book I have been looking for. Maybe I
wasn’t in the right frame of mind to read the rest of that book before. I do know that I am super glad I found it, and even more glad that God offers GRACE!

There it was just hiding under the passenger side seat. It must have gotten dropped back there one morning when my mom was giving me a ride to work.
The rest of the day went as follows.....
I went to gymnastics practice, the girls are nervous for their first meet on Thursday, which they very well should be because they aren't prepared and don't take the attendance policy seriously so only 2 out of 11 are competing. I wasn't planning on doing anything until my friend Jorden called me and asked if I wanted to come over and hang with him and some other guys from my high school. Not like guys that I hung out with, but Christian guys that I was very cool with. In high school I mostly hung out with the druggies and so fourth. So, it was really nice to be able to go to Jordens house and watch the IU vs. OSU game that was in Arizona.

It wasn't anything like last years New Year, but I enjoyed it, and I don't regret anything. I have made my mind up on what my resolution is and feel confident about keeping it. It's going to be a great year, this 2008. I can tell already.
Not sure I get the concept of doing something wrong, like being rude to mom, then saying i'm sorry and all is well..Or getting drunk, then feeling bad and sharing it with others and all is ok..I am not a holy roller at all, i just don't understand that aspect of religion..either you live a god fearing lifestyle all the time, or you don't..We all mess up, some of us more than others, but can we just mess up, do wrong, be negative, stereotype people, etc, then say i was wrong and all is ok...Please enlighten me, I am not being sarcastic toward you personally, I just wonder what the answer is, or at least your opinion...Happy New Year to you and yours and God bless us all in 2008
ReplyDeleteI can’t enlighten you, but I can give you my opinion on the matter. Just know that I humbly give you my belief. My flesh is weak, as a human I am a sinner. God hates sin Psalms 5:5 says “The arrogant cannot stand in your presence;
ReplyDeleteyou hate all who do wrong.” But, God also offers Grace. Grace is an amazing thing to me. The English dictionary defined it as something that is freely given; unmerited favor and love. If you seriously want to understand this “notion,” read the parable of the Lost Son in Luke(http://www.biblegateway.com/passage/?search=luke%2015:11-32;&version=31;). Christ was the only man who walked the earth with no sin. I can not do it, I am not capable of righteous perfection; no man is. To me, it comes down to this. I can honor my heavenly father by learning from my mistakes, asking for and receiving forgiveness, then trying to better myself. In my life, I have found that God honors obedience. It is the times that I hold my tongue against my mother or choose not to get drunk that honors God. Some people could try to twist it around and say, “well I can do whatever I want because I will always be forgiven.” They will be forgiven, but I don’t think they will receive blessings because of their obedience. If you are interested in diving deeper, Romans 6:2-14(http://www.biblegateway.com/passage/?search=Romans%206:2-14%20&version=31) has some interesting insights. Let me know if you can find any logic in my ranting, and thanks for not being sarcastic. After the parable & the verse in Romans, I put an exact link to the verses so you can just copy and paste.
I think I've told you the quote, "Every saint has a past and every sinner has a future." God loves us unconditionally, we can not ever be perfect, we are sinners and only through justification can we get to heaven. (justification, just as if I've never sinned). Happy New Year and good luck with Tozer. I started on that book once and decided to leave it to the seminary students and graduates.
ReplyDeleteGood response, Mikey. And good job for not getting defensive. Remember, God always gives us a way out when we are tempted. This is not always (ever) easy because the flesh is so weak. Also it is good to stay away from situations where we know temptation will be present.
ReplyDeletethanks mikey for replying. it wasn't my intention to be sarcastic, just looking for answers too.I understand where you are coming from and appreciate your response.