At Lane, I stayed in my dad's office for the most part. I had to finish up some reading/studying for the Young Life Leader training session # 2 that will take place at Taylor Fort Wayne @ 1:00. My dad is a P.E. teacher and his office is in the boys locker room. When I was in there, one of the kids, I think he was a 6th or 7th grader came into use the restroom. He started singing out loud while he was in there. Unaware of my presence he sang on and I listened. He was singing, "I Stand Alone" by Steve Perry. It was so strange to listen to a young kid sing this song. I don't know anything about this kid. But his voice sounded very unsure, and when other kids took a sneak peak in the locker room and asked what he was doing, he would say, "I'm just taking a break!" the kids would ask "Why?" he would say, "because I want to!" He was very short, and it made me want to open the door and just talk with him. Instead I just listened. I felt really bad for this kid. Click on that link and read the lyrics. Pretty intense for such a young kid. He must think pretty deep, or have a lot of compounding issues in his life.
It's official! I got a letter in the mail from the BMV saying that on November 25, I can get my license back. I just have to pay $150.00, provide an SR-50 & SR-22 and I will be good to go! That is so good to hear, so good! MISSION NOW=GET CAR!
I am so excited to start my job on Monday.
Why are people so afraid to learn about themselves? If people weren't so nervous to dive into their own thought process and emotions, and actually changed themselves, even in little ways. It would change the world. Why do people stay the same when they know it would be better for them to do differently? Even in small things; a fellow Christian points out something that you know is something you need to work on....but you don't. I don't like that about people, it is especially frustrating when you talk with someone about something and they agree to your face, but then make no effort to change. It is so awesome when you find someone who is willing to change their life when they know they should.
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