I enjoyed today quiet thoroughly. It started off slow, which was nice because I got a chance to let all the turkey and gravy set in my stomach. I woke up at a leisurely pace and got some really good news from Lauren around 3:30. Then, she came over and we enjoyed each others company for a bit. My aunt Jackie got a chance to meet her and approved, “of course.” Then it got a bit interesting in the best way. I got a chance to spend some quality time with a new friend. Ryan
Pelton got free tickets to a MAD ANTS basketball game. The Mad Ants are Fort Wayne’s premiere B-Ball team and tonight was their first game. When I say premiere I mean debut basketball team. It was their first game, and I have a feeling they won’t be around for long. There was a B-Ball team in
FW a while back called the Fury. They were short lived as well. A little bit managing, and a little bit suck. Maybe the Mad Ants will have good managing and just be able to work on the suck part, I suppose time will tell. I did have a really good time with Ryan though.

There was a bit of an ironic twist at the game. There was something familiar about one of the cheer leaders. I was so far up though, I
couldn’t know for sure…..”wait, the spot light cleared things up for me during the beginning dramatics.” It was Chelsy, she is one of the cheer leaders/dancers for the Mad Ants. It is a very fitting job for her, and I say good for

There was one great and most entertaining part about the game though. HALF TIME! We got to see
The_Puppeteers perform live, and it was amazing. It was so cool because I have seen this guy perform before, and so it was really cool that I got a chance to see him live. The announcer at the game said he was from Vegas, and I dunno, it was just a pretty fun show to watch. The guy has got a good show going for him. He uses
animatronics’ to operate the faces of the puppets, and can really work it!
I found out something pretty amazing. If you go to Google IMAGE search and type in
Eternal Stud Muffin, my face pops up. HOW COOL IS THAT?!? I really got a kick out of that....but at the same time, it didn't really suprise me. ;-)
After the B-Ball game, I went back to Laurens house and played a little Apple for Apple, the "board game." It was me, lauren, meg(her sis) and her friend nicole. We had a good time, and I have decided to try to incorporate board games into my life as much as possible.
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