Yes, that's right, the article in the Fort Wayne, Journal Gazette came out today. It was great, well written, and right on. Sometimes I have noticed that people tend to embellish on the real story. Not sure why, maybe it's because of something else they have read or written about, or what. I just know that Frank Gray does an excellent job. He is extremely accurate, and cares. If I had more than 2 thumbs, I would put them up as well. Kudos to you Frank Gray. If you missed the article in the news paper....like I did. Then Click this link. It will never time out, because I published the article on my web-site. I am hosting it, and anyone can check it out any time they would like to.
I had a great day today also. Worked hard, got in some extra hours, and really thought about something. Something very important; my future. I think that I could be very motivated to go to college to study to become a Counselor. Not sure what kind, maybe a high school counselor, or something of that nature. I just know it would fit me. I love people, and I am pretty good at looking through the bull shit we as humans put forward so often. It has just been something to stick in the back of my head since my mom mentioned it on our trip back from the Doc. in Indy. I am going to pray about it, and continue to seek guidance from the big guy. But, it doesn't turn me off. And as far as schooling goes, it really helps me to have something in mind for the reason why I am going to school. That is that. It's an idea anyways.
I agree with the last part of your entry.. you would be a great couselor cause you know how to look past the petty things in life and get to the point! I hope you continue on this interest cause I know you could go somewhere with it! Hope all is well over in your state.. haha-I miss you and hope to see you soon!