bad news: the doctor that I have had since I was diagnosed in 2005 will no longer be my practicing physician at the Indiana Center for Multiple Sclerosis and Neuroimmunopathological Disorders. It isn't that she quit because she doesn't like it or what not. And this is only my assumption, but at the center the doctors do it pretty much as a labor of love. They believe in the work of Dr. Kolar, and want the best for the over 750 patients seen there. It is a private institute, and doesn't get the government funding that it should. Clare Braun-Hashemi, MD is probably moving on for several reasons. AGAIN JUST MY ASSUMPTION, but I know she put in ample amounts of hours, and probably doesn't have a whole lot of time for family life. Maybe it is time she wants to start a family. I don't know, I do know that I will miss her greatly. I felt like she understood my deposition on unfamiliar drug use, and cared about me as an individual.
I have a follow up MRI in middle October. It will be the 1 year mark from my last MRI. They will check to see if I have any new lesion activity. I'm not even going to say that my fingers are crossed, I am going to say...my lips will be praying.
I hope, I hope, I hope, I hope I hear from the bakery. I really really do. But, I honestly don't know what to expect. I don't even have a gut instinct. Usually I would be very optimistic, but I have not a clue what to think. SO, I wait.
Ohhh yea, the Journal Gazette will be publishing a follow up story on me soon. The man did not give me a direct date, but interviewed me over the phone and told me it would be soon. SO, if you are interested in this follow up interview check the papers this week. If it does show up, please leave me a comment on the day it does, or drop me an E-Mail. I would love to read it.
E-Mail: mobileRILEY@gmail.com
The article is in todays paper mikey..Nice article, continued good health...