They made my sister this treat, then put a huge combrario on her head, and sang happy b-day in spanish. wish i woulda got the hat.Happy-Bday mer! LOVE YOUThat was thursday, so today I got around, and my mom wanted me to go with her to Meijers to do some shopping. So, i went with her, but got bord and ancy. So i went off and looked at shoes. God bord, and sat on a Futon and messed with my phone. Then, i see this guy. Lookin at me, and the mattress. then at me, pace a little bit.....So, I asked him. "you looked confused, what ya lookin for?" He said, "ohh i gotta find a futon i suppose." I said, ehh, i definately don't reccommend one for long use. Hated it. lots of lower back pain. Well, we got to talking about where i went to college. And told me about how his kid is in the merchant marines. Works in the gulf on a NOVA science research ship. Man, we talked about all kinds of stuff. He sat down and talked with me prolly for 25 minutes. I saw him get really emotional when he mentioned his daughter going off to train in Texas, then off to Iraq so they can teach the Cops in baghdad to train to be good, or whatever. All in all, it was a really good talk. He is a really genuine person. And a good heart to match.

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