First off, I should be asleep right now. I totally don't feel like writing in my BLOG, but i am doing it because today was awesome! This morning, I get up and it takes me forever to WAKE UP. But i did, and next thing i know, I am in church. Praising God and loving it. Then, we have a father and his son as guest speakers. WOWZERS. They talked about their sruggles with alcohol, and drugs. The dad was a hardcore alcoholic, and the son was a huge cocaine addict. Amazing story, even more amazing God. It was really refreshing, it was as if God was telling me. "Hey mikey, stay on track OK? Cuz your doing good, lets keep it that way!" Then I go home, and attempt to get some fundraising stuff done, and I get this phone call.........It is some chick with a hardcore southern accent. Again, God was speaking very clearly to me. She was from Texas, and found my web-site online....randomly. And wanted to know more about the chinese treatment. SO, she called me, and we talked for over 2 hours. It was amazing. By this time, God kinda smacked me behind the head. I was enlightened, and taken by God's amazingness. My ability to directly effect other people's lives in a positive way is constant. The more I am willing to reach out to people, the more I can.
So, then I end up going to a movie with my friend Lisa Hoekje. My buddy Clint introduced me to her. We saw Amazing Grace, and it really motivated me. I mean here is this guy, a simple man who saw something he wanted to passionately change. So, what did he do? Devoted his life to changing it, and HE DID!!!! I like those kinds of stories. After the movie, I went to my friend Brandon's new house.

After we chilled for a bit, Bobbie, the sexy lady to the right...gave me a ride home.
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