Those kids worked so hard, one of the Young Life leaders was like, "Hey, you guys worked so hard, i'm gonna take you out to eat at B'Dubs." And so off we went.

Okay, next thing. So I went home, spent some time with father and little doggy. Then off to a church. This church was kinda far away, I went to meet up with my friend Kyle, who plays on the worship team. It was a mellow service. But God was there. Then I went to go and experience my Saviour at this worship thing called RESPONSE. It was amazing. Totally amazing. Check this out.

> See that dude to the left? That is Chris Lee. Chris Lee loves the Lord a whole lot. He loves the Lord and knows how to show it. He is overflowing with the Grace God has lavished upon us all. Chris is just passionate because he has fully submersed himself in the Love of Christ. WOW! WOW! WOW! Tonight I experienced things in this worship time that blew me away. There was prophesying, there were tears/sobbing of joy, there was jumping, screaming, dancing, arm raising, and more tears of joy. There was heart felt songs of praise and worship coming from God's children. It was powerful. IT WAS CHRIST!!! It renewed something in me. Something I needed. Not something I lost, but something I needed a reminder of. Man I love the Lord.

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