I forgot to take in my journal, but I tried to take notes on my phone as best as I could. This is what I got.
- Dating doesn't have to be a guessing game. We need to bring God into every moment of it. Seeking. We need to ask God who we should be dating.
- Another sort of side note Prophet Bird gave was this. "If they aren't seeking you as much as you are them, run from it."
-to go along with that sort of. . . It is unChristian to lead someone on, but it is unChristian to let someone even fall in love you.
- P~Bird also talked about Psychological whores. This is someone who wants people to love them, who wants someone to be all emotionally into them. But, does it to sort of build their ego and things like that. This is very wrong. It is unhealthy.
- It is never okay to break the kingdom rules in order to get what you want in a relationship. NEVER. I forget this all too often.
Prophet Bird was real. I mean very specifically real. He went into details about sexuality that most people wouldn't get close to. But he did it in a way that was so good for us to hear. Tonight was so awesome. Good stuff.
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