Today I was busy, busy, busy. I had to study for my Geology exam I have tomorrow. Then, I had a ministry outreach opportunity to get to. First I had to get diapers. I GOT LOTS OF DIAPERS!

There was a manager (don't want to say name) at a local store who really wanted to help me out. Dave (pastor) wrote me a check from church for $50 and said, "go fourth and multiply." He didn't say it exactly like that, but you get the point. So, I went to many locations. Finally I found a place where the manager would give me her 20% employee discount. It was good stuff, so I got loads of diapers.

I thought the Community Care Collection went really well. People showed up, and we had lots of stations for all the different charities in town. several representatives from different charities showed up, and it was just real good. A nice atmosphere.
I brought Ingrid, and she seemed to like it pretty well.
Later in the evening, after I wrote pages and pages of notes for my Geology exam, Ingrid and I ended up talking till like 2AM. It was some deep conversation, and I feel God did something there. God is really good. He knows what we need, when we need it. He loves us, and though we walk through the valley of the shadow of death, we need not fear the evil. I believe that with all my heart, I just forget it easily at times. That's the good thing about Grace. He is always there to give us a second chance even though we don't deserve it in the least bit.

He just has his hands out ready to hand it to us at all times. What a GOD!
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