Today was really filled. I won't be able to share every bit of it, but I would like to touch on the important parts. It was a day that started good and just got better. Now, it could sound like bragging, but if you know me at all, you know that is not my style. But, today was a day driven by the Holy Spirit.
I will start off by telling you about Amber. I met Amber when I was on my way to go and help a friend learn how to use his laptop. This friend is Brooks Quaye. A friend from Liberia I met not too long ago on campus. Long story short, I was on my way to his house to help out at about 4ish. When I was about to turn the corner I saw a lady walking towards me. She was just balling her eyes out. As soon as I passed her I knew, this lady needed help. So, I pulled through an parking lot, and back tracked to try to cut her off. As I waited for her to approach my car, I prayed, "God, let your will be done in this situation." And as she got close, I put down the passenger side window and asked if I could help her out. She was crying so hard I could hardly make out what she was saying. But, I gathered that she was stuck in Fort Wayne, and that her boyfriend just went into the hospital. She needed to go to North Webster which is about 45-50 minutes away from Fort Wayne. I told her to get in, and that I would help her out. What ended up happening was out of my hands. God took over, and I became a vessel to share Christ with this lady. Who happened to be an ex meth addict who just felt really lost. She connected with my testimony, and was a genuine person, who just felt lost. I got to pray for her before I dropped her off, and it was a super unique experience. I am just so happy that she didn't have to stay in that mind set of, "I am completely lost." No one deserves that.

I made my way to Brooks Home, and really enjoyed my time helping him on his lap top. But, more so, I really enjoyed playing with his little girls. They were crazy cute lil ones.
There was Hannah. 

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