I stepped out of the plane. The wind was going by my leg at 80 miles per hour. It was difficult just getting my feet on the step outside of the plane. It was easily the most intense thing I have ever experienced.

The next thing I knew, Karl (my tandem instructor) and I were falling towards the earth at 120 miles per hour!! It was such a thrill. If you look closely, you will see a huge wad of snot on my nose. I guess while I was screaming it cleared out my sinuses. LOL!! It was funny though.

Next thing I knew was the parachute deploying. It was pretty intense. We went from 120MPH to around 15-20MPH. Talk about some serious deceleration! I had such an amazing time. I know this will not be the last time I go skydiving. Everyone who does not have a heart condition needs to try this. What made it especially amazing was that I went in Sedona. The ground and mountains all around were so beautiful!!

Then there was the landing. It was very smooth. Karl has jumped over 4,000 times!! He is amazing, and really made all of us feel at home with his wife and husband skydiving place.
After skydiving was over, the day only got better. Ya see, we actually took off from a small town in the dessert called Cottonwood. Well, near Cottonwood, there is an old mining town called Jerome. It is referred to as the Ghost town. They told us it had a booming 15,000 population during the mid 1800's, but after the gold ran up, it dropped down to 400. Me and the Gal's stopped for food at the Haunted Hamburger in Jerome, then we explored the city for a bit.

The city was soo cool. It had many different levels, and you could climb up these neat stairs. There were closed off mine shafts with these super super old trucks right at the fronts of um. It was a really neat town.

After we left Jerome. We went to the beautiful Sedona, home of the reddest rock you have ever seen. We laid out by a river and just had ourselves a good time.
When I got back to camp, the new summer staff and work crew people were there. I went to an all camp worship time, and then PASSED OUT!!
Today was a good day. :o)
I'm so glad you got to experience this... now we gotta go together! Xoxo