Dang I guess I forgot how much I love to BLOG, I have been gone from it for like 4 weeks, and it feels good to be back at the Dashboard/hub of my BLOG site. I am going to just share and share and share. :-)
Well, I got back from Michigan where I had the opportunity to lead in a cabin of our area Young Life kids at a camp called
Timber Wolf Lake. It was an amazing experience for both the leaders and the kids. I really love the way Young Life presents the message of Christ. They do it in a way that is very real, it is inviting, BUT it is not given in a way that would make one feel guilty or in a way that imparts a large burden for those not yet ready for a personal commitment. Young life wants to love kids no matter what stage they are at. If they aren't ready to start that personal relationship, this is their take, "hey, we still wanna love you and stand by you in everything you do, if you ever think you might want that, come on board, otherwise let's chill and i'll love on you." I hope that made sense, I was talking as though I was the whole organization of Young Life. Well, it was a super experience for me because one of the guys I have been spending time with decided that he wanted to start that relationship with Christ. I got to help him pray the prayer. It was so moving and amazing for me. I was so insanely grateful for getting to be a part of the whole process. I can't wait to see how his new commitment will affect our relationship. I am excited for the new responsibility for helping to feed him in the truth. IT WAS SO AWESOME!!!

I got to sleep in today, which was so nice. It was especially good to sleep in a room that didn't wreak of Body Oder and mildew. I could stretch out my legs in bed, and ohh the luxuries of being home. I was in bed till about 12:00, woke up, ate some lunch with my dad, then went and got my 4th infusion of
TYSABRI. It was odd today because I waited and waited in the little room they put me in. I go to the Emergency Room for my infusion, and it is usually pretty quick. I go in, they order the medication, then hook me up to a drip for about an hour. Well, I waited in that room for a good 1hr 45min before the medicine even got there. Right before it came, the nurse came in all flustered and told me that they just got swamped. Apparently there was a little carnival type activity going on at one of the local middle schools. I don't know what for. But, we had this storm roll through today about mid afternoon. I guess they had a big
moon walk type thing set up. Well, the wind really came out of no where and lifted the moon walk up with kids in it, and just tossed it through the air. When one of the kids got to the ER, he/she was in critical condition. I told the nurse to do what she had to do, and not to worry about me. I sure hope this boy/girl is okay.
Once I got back home I found a little surprise in my bed room. It was walking around on the screen of one of my windows. I managed to capture it in a CD case and took this picture.

I don't know if it was a hornet, wasp, yellow jacket or what but it was horrifying. Quite fascinating though. It was a huge insect, and was really tough. The thing could take a beating and still keep on going. I would shake and shake the CD case, but it would just get right up as pissed as ever and walk around. Well, I put a tiny hole in the top of the case and filled it up with water. It was crazy, the darn thing could still walk on the walls of the case even when it was filled with water. It must have some crazy high tech feet to be doing that. Then, I decided to capture it in place with some shaving cream. So, I stuck the shaving cream nozzle in and filled it up. It was making a loud buzzing sound for about 30 seconds till it finally succumbed to my experiment. I tried to release it but ended up sending it down the sink. I hope it didn't survive, it would probably go crazy on my face if it could. Also, this isn't the first time I have found one of them flying around my room/bathroom. They probably have a nest in the rafters, and sneak in some how. I dunno.

This picture was taken at Josh's(YL area director) house. We will be inviting all the kids who went with us to camp to come over and have good Christian fellowship and dig into the Bible a little bit. It was mostly geared to the ones who made a personal commitment, but all were invited. 30 kids showed up, and once we split into small groups, they decided on their own, that they would like to continue to keep meeting through the summer. I am so glad to be a part of this. It is a beautiful thing. I really liked these words we talked about found in
1 John 5:3-5 they seemed to just kind of click in my heart. If you accept that Jesus is the Son of God, then how can you continue to live your life in sin. This is what popped into my mind while going over this verse. The kids were great, we played some box ball at one of the leaders houses and just really enjoyed each other. I go tomorrow to get insurance back on my car. I am really crossing my fingers in hope that I will be able to afford 6 months of coverage again. That is such a relief of stress when I am not worrying about paying that. It is a lot cheaper also, for me to buy 6 months at a time. HORRAY FOR BLOGGING!!
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