After I got home today, Amanda and I went to the Anchor room and picked out a devotional/study guide. This is soo good, because it will be a good way to be in the word, and will allow us to keep each other accountable as well as grow in our spiritual walks. Very, Very cool. The book we decided on is called Growing Through Life's Challenges by James and Martha Reapsom. I am really interested to see what path this will go down, mainly because I have never had a friendship where I have done this before. She was so willing to say yes too. It's great, and I got to shoot my brothers gun, and it made me feel macho. I find myself asking....Could my day have possibly gotten any better? I find myself answering..........no, I don't think so.
I enjoy Amanda. We seem to vibe well. We have similar personalities, and some of the same tendencies. We have this "thing" going on. Because of an "inside story/joke," we both try to put the other in an awkward situation. She always beats me though, always can 1 up my awkward attempt. My goal: Find a way to disrupt the awkward situation queen, so that I may rein as awkward King. I figure it's only a matter of time till the perfect chance comes around. And when it does, it will be glorious. (creepy villan laugh in back ground)
I had a dream about you last night and haven't been able to stop thinking about you since.... oh p.s. I ALWAYS WIN