Saturday, September 8, 2007

B-Day Bash

Alright, today I got some really awesome news when I was at work. A text message from a lovely lady whom I have nothing but the ut most respect for. I've known her for a long long time and have gotten a chance to see her turn into a woman. (sounding like an old man) But, check this out. This is Stephanie, I know, georgous. Well, Steph informed me today that she bought a first I was thinking, ummm a bike steph? (bycicle) But, then she sent me a picture of this.>>>

When she sent me this picture, my jaw dropped a little bit. I was thinking, dang girl. That is just so incredibly hott. Attractive girl riding a motorcycle, dang. Anyways, I had to share that, cuz it was just so darn cool.

After I got home from work, I got cleaned up and went to my nieces B-Day party. It was pretty cool. It was out in the country, in the middle of a corn field. Here is an action shot so you can get an idea of what it was like.

It was an interesting set up. Mahailey had a good time, and I tried gumbo. I don't like sausage, so it wasn't too much to my liking, but there was a lot of good food there. I went with John and Brandy, love hanging out with them.

Here is the b-day girl in front of her cake with her lil crew. I dared this girl to shove her cake in her face, lol. then she did, I laughed pretty hard, does that make me a bad uncle? he he, I don't think so either.

Yup Yup, good day today. Tomorrow I getting picked up by a really cool chick for church. She wants to visit Pathways, so I told her that I would let her pick me up and take me to Church sometime. ;-)

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