~Message to COMMENTER'S~I just wanted to say Thank You from the bottom of my heart to everyone who leaves me comments. The comments, especially totally random ones really have a way of lifting my spirits, and make me feel like I am writing this BLOG every day for a reason. Thank You a million times over. I read every single one, usually multiple times. ALSO, if there are any ignorant readers who would like to disagree with what I am doing here in CHINA with these wonderful Umbilical Cord Stem Cells, feel free to contact me VIA E-Mail. mobileRILEY@gmail.com Just know that I will not post comments with ill will towards what I am trying to accomplish. So, don't leave them! SO, today started out kind of slow. I got my acupuncture, then the head aches started in. I did a lot of this......

yea, laying still, and chilling is the name of the head ache game. Once head pains started to cease a bit, I became more active, and happier.
Jon, you can call his position. President of foreign affairs. Or, Foreign stem cell consultant for something something something.......Just call him Jon. He is in charge of bringing Foreign patients to China to have Umbilical Cord Stem Cell Treatments. He isn't some miracle worker, doesn't claim to be. He does however have several Hospitals that have had much success in treating a variety of physical issues. To learn more, visit
www.stemcellschina.com SO, Jon, and
Kirshner Ross-
Vaden took all the
Americans out to eat tonight. We went to a Chinese Hotel that has never served Americans before. We were there first. It took a while to get food, but it was really good. Check out these pictures.

This is a picture of all the AMERICAN Shenyang Stem Cell patients. One big happy family.
After I finished dinner, I went outside for a look at this Hotel, and I noticed a glass elevator on the side of the building, it
definitely went up to the 33rd floor. TOP FLOOR, SO, i asked around, and soon enough, me and some pal's were on our way with such a great sight of the city.

look closely at this picture, you can see how bright, vibrant, and alive this city is. Sometimes, at night, it is lit up like VEGAS. it's pretty amazing here. SO DIFFERENT. I really am starting to like it here.
Ohh, I started my devotional/Study on the Apostle Peter today. I am already in love with it. If I had my book next to me, I would explain in more detail. But it is quite thought provoking. The more I read about Peters life, the more I see he really is the perfect example of a trying Christian. He messes up so much, but has such a huge heart. Simon Peter reminds me of me. I see a lot of my frailties and boastfulness in him. I think I am really going to like this study on PETER, It might end up being a study on ME. ;-) I'll try to keep ya'll updated on that as well.
I have been following your blog. It is has been quite entertaining. I wish you all the best and hope that this works for you! Keep your spirits up and never give up hope!! You have made it this far.
ReplyDeleteBree Suelzer - Fort Wayne
ReplyDeleteI am your cousin, Dan. Your grandfather Ted and my father Calvin were brothers. You are in our prayers. There are a couple of Riley family websites that I posted prayer requests for you. I listed only snail mail addresses so your Dad might be getting some mail from people he does not know.
My guess is that by tonight there will be a couple of thousand Rileys praying for you and your mom and dad.
When I teach adult Sunday school I sometimes answer hard questions with, "By the time we know God's answers to all the hard questions, it won't matter any more.
God bless you and your family.
Dan Riley, Indiana
I stumbled upon your blog,and have been tryiing to catch up. Prayers are definintely being uplifted on your behalf and on Lynn's. God is powerful and your faith amazes me!
ReplyDeleteI will continue to read your blog daily as I too am living with MS. (Long Island, New York) Your courage amazes me and I pray for you and all of the others with you. Stay strong and god bless. Jamie
ReplyDeleteI am from Harlan and I have been watching and reading about your life. I also have MS and have received great comfort in reading about your symptoms and saying, "Hey I am not the only one to have that or I feel the exact same way!" Tonight I too am fighting the painful head hurt. I pray for you daily and have delighted in reading your remarkable journey. You are a fantastic storyteller and photographer and in some ways a pioneer for the rest of us waiting on treatments and insurance companies to recognize the need for more treatments for this disease. I own this disease it does not own me!
ReplyDeleteAnita- Harlan