Wait, now that i am back to a normal "i'm in Fort Wayne, IN. state of mind" I am kind of frustrated again. It's so easy to not trust God. Now, i didn't say trusting God is heard, i just said it's so easy not to trust him. It is so simple to make up excuses for why we are unhappy. It's odd pathetic really. God has done so much in my life. God has done everything in my life. I mean some of the things these eyes have seen are pretty incredible. And i can get cought up in the moment of, selfishness. I always try to make it all about me. like a baby i cry out; common god, what are you doing. I question him constantly. I really need to work on that. Cuz, actually, everytime i do trust him over my own instinct, i am much much happier. I don't need the things i long for. All i really need to do is trust God. And really, if you do trust god with everything, you get what you want. And truely think about what is waiting for you. If you are a Christian, when you get through the struggle of life, you have heaven waiting for you. In the bible, God teaches us that he createc us to worship him. Ya see, we were created to love Christ. So no matter what happens, if you can just keep talking yourself into trusting him every day for the rest of your human life, man will you have a good life. No matter what. You could have 1 eye, 1 leg, and no arms, and still be able to love life every day. God is so powerful and amazing, he can turn the most horrible and horrific things into blessings. It sounds crazy, but it really isn't. In my head right now i am telling myself over and over again. It's not crazy mikey, it really isn't, nothing is crazy about trusting God. kindness, and favor. It is derived from a word that means to bend or stoop in kindness to an inferior, with the purpose of bestowing favor. the old testament defines grace as kindness, and favor. It is derived from a word that means to bend or stoop in kindness to an inferior, with the purpose of bestowing favor.

I have one other thing on my mind. I'm confused, God brought this person into my life, and ever sense then, he has been allowing the most amazing things to happen. I mean really mind twisting circumstances. I know God is in it, but…………..but there are so many unanswered questions. I know I need to trust him. Sometimes, I just need to vocalize my thoughts. thankyou blog
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