Wednesday, January 31, 2007
Tuesday, January 30, 2007
Dude, wait how many hours?!?!

p.s. Steph, You are one rockin chick.
Monday, January 29, 2007
frustration building....
I need some feedback on this one. Stormi, i really like your opinion. U too Lucy Brown!!
p.s. you don't have to sign in/have an account to paste comments.
So frustrating, Why wouldn't she at least say, well that sounds pretty interesting. I mean, she could have blown me off, and i wouldn't be anywhere as wound up as i am right now.
p.s.s. I have to be at work tonight at 11p.m. Fun Fun FUn! prolly work till 3 or 4 in da morning. LATERS!
Saturday, January 27, 2007
2 words causing aghast out the wazooo!!!

Friday, January 26, 2007
Love, what is it really?
P.S. This girl I speak of is probably the most beautiful creature I have ever know personally. Blonde hair, hazel eyes. Amazing heart, and mind. Every time i come in contact with her now, i always feel like a little kid again. Don't know what to say, or how to say it.
I finally have some super positive news concerning my M/S jazz. God has lead me to someone who i believe will come in really handy. His Name is Todd Jacob, he was 24 when he went through the same exact stem cell transplant. He was on his fathers insurance.....guess what insurance his dad had? ANTHEM BLUE CROSS BLUE SHIELD! Same as me! He went through all the stuff i am going through. He is going to help me. :-O Isn't that pretty friggin ironic? Yea, I didn't think so either. God is too good. Honestly, I deserve none of this, yet, He keeps dishin out so much good to me. LOVE IT!! I just want to

Thursday, January 25, 2007
EMOtioNS are SuCh a SCarY thriLL ride SOmetIMes.

Okay, now about the emotional roller coaster. My best friend. We will call him xavior. lets call him Xavior Demmand. like a week and a half ago we went out to wings on a Monday. We talked about a lot of stuff. I thought everything was cool. When we get together, it is verbal free time. Meaning, you say whats on your heart. Well, Xavior has a lot on his heart right now. He has a lot of shitty circumstances also. Lemme give you a little background information on Xavior. I would die for him in a heartbeat. I have more respect for this man, then is probably healthy. But, It seems like on that monday we conversed, i must of done something horribly wrong. So, what happens? Time goes by, a week goes by. I am calling Xavior every day. on his cell, at his house, voicemail after voicemail after voicemail. I am getting worried. I call his friends, I have to get his friends to tell me whats up with him. Now, this is my best friend sense i could pee straight. He wouldn't call me back. Or even attempt at getting in touch with me. So, he goes to my one of my other friends houses, and i call the other friend. I get them to give Xavior the phone. I finally say.... So what the hell is goin on? pretty much, he told me i made him feel like shit the last time we talked. He told me i was being very demeining. And that i was talking "down" to him the whole time. WOW! it came completely out of Left Field...... I got that feeling in my chest that you get, like.....ohh i know. When you have a crush on a girl for a long long time. You get the balls to go up to her and tell her, and you see some guy you really hate kiss her, and grab her ass. Your heart like gets shreaded up. Thats how i felt. I didn't know what to do or say.

Wednesday, January 24, 2007
Moving Right Along
Tuesday, January 23, 2007
Wonderful Day I had Today.
Okay, So above is a picture of a group of people I was going to help raise money for M/S with. But, turns out i have my own lil project......ok i guess we can call it a rather large project.I have to raise $100,000.oo If i want to get a Stem Cell Transplant. The reason i say that is because it is looking like the Insurance Company is going to get out of paying for it. Little **&% (*&%* *(&^*&^!!!!!!!!! man, i really don't want to get started on how much I hate the huge corperations that run this Pathetic place we call U.S.A. ughhhhhhhhh. Srry, i am definately going to shut up
So, Bill G. invited me to come to this meeting, we talked about fundraising, and hints, ideas, etc. It was pretty much an open Forum. I enjoyed it very much.....Also It kind of scared me. I was sitting in there 20 years old, and diagnosed 2 years prior. There was grown men in there who can't hardly walk....It just motivated me that much more. I need this Stem Cell Transplant, otherwise i will end up like that. I am not saying God can't use me in a wheel chair, i am just saying i want to do anything and everything in my power to keep that from happening.
So, I need people who want to help me accomplish this goal.The two papers above are all someone would need in order to pledge money to my cause. It is called NTAF Great Lakes Stem Cell Transplant Fund: In Honor of Mikey Riley. The top page pertain's information concerning how any contributed money is a direct tax write off. The bottom paper is the pledge form. You can contribute by personal check, or credit card. All donations go directly into an account already started in NTAF's system. Currently I am working on creating a home page on NTAF's web site. This will be a specific area designated to informing about my situation.
If I am important to you. Please print off some copies of these papers. Pass them out, share them with co-workers, parents, bosses, neighbors, boyfriends, girlfriends, get your friends to pass them out. Help me be proactive. I beg this.
God Bless,
Monday, January 22, 2007
To Congressman Mark Souder

The Honorable Mark E. Souder Member, U.S. House of Representatives3105 Federal Building 1300 S. Harrison StreetFort Wayne, Indiana 46802
Dear Congressman Souder:
My name is Mike Riley, and I was diagnosed with Multiple Sclerosis in July of 2005. I am 20 years old, and I have already seen the devastating effect of the disease. MS can affect anything and everything neurological; from a slight speech impediment to such a severe case of vertigo that you can’t walk or see straight for weeks. I have lived with this disease my whole life, but only recently that I have been able to see the disease lay an aggressive and permanent course. The definition of Multiple Sclerosis is “Many Scars.” The scars I refer to are the lesions in my brain and spinal cord. MS is an autoimmune disease that attacks a thin, protective protein layer, called myelin. The nerve can be likened to an electrical cable; the axon, or nerve fiber that transmits the nerve impulse can be compared to a wire, and the myelin sheath is the insulation around the wire. Myelin is present in both the central nervous system and the peripheral nervous system, but it is only the destruction of central nervous system myelin, that produces the symptoms of M/S.
I believe with all my heart, that if I continue the traditional treatments I am currently using, it will only slightly deter the course of the MS. When I was first diagnosed with Multiple Sclerosis, I started on an Interferon beta-1a medication known as Rebif. I was given Rebif injections three times a week however, one of the largely diagnosed side effects of Rebif is depression. I would sink into deep fits of depression; the drug changed who I was as a person. I hated the feeling of being down all the time, and I felt uncomfortable when my doctor would prescribe anti-depressants. I used Rebif for nine months. During those nine months, I had numerous exacerbations. I was scared for my future, and I knew the Rebif was not doing what it was suppose to be doing. After my doctor agreed that the Rebif was not working as we had hoped it would, I was put on another Interferon beta-1a medication. This medication was Avonex, the number one prescribed MS therapy. Once again, after being on this treatment for months, I had flair up’s. Not only did I experience flair up’s, or short lived MS attacks, but I was also hospitalized in the Emergency Room with a full-blown exacerbation, where the vertigo worsened. I couldn’t shake the violent fits of vomiting. I never know what to expect; I could wake up tomorrow and not be able to walk. I hate that feeling.
I know there is no cure for Multiple Sclerosis. I also know that if I don’t attempt a treatment outside of what is traditionally practiced, I will be in a wheel chair at a young age. I have so much to offer. Northwestern Memorial, hospital in Chicago, offers an autologous hematopoietic stem cell transplant. This treatment may offer me a different future although, I do understand the treatment offers no guarantees. I also know that Stem Cell research will some day cure a whole list of autoimmune diseases. God has opened too many doors for me to turn away from this treatment. I know in my heart that this is what I need, and I am excited to start treatment. My father’s health insurance, Anthem Blue Cross Blue Shield has denied funding this treatment three times. I am currently committed with fundraising through NTAF (National Transplant Assistance Fund). Please consider my request to make this treatment possibility a reality by supporting stem cell research.
I would welcome any other assistance or support you may have to offer.
Mikey Riley
Sunday, January 21, 2007
Shots, Church, and Snow.

Pretty friggin cool if U ask me.
Okay, so i have to get an inner muscular shot once a week. It is a medication for M/S called Interferon Beta1a, I hate them so much. But i have to keep taking them because the doctors tell me i have to. They don't even friggin work...............ughhh frustration.
Look at those things. AHHHHHH! I can't even give it to myself. For some reason, my body won't let me. SO, my mom has to give them to me. Tonight wasn't very fun, cuz sometimes she thinks about it too much, and doesn't do a good job at all. Tonight, she stuck it in way to slow. It started bleeding like crazy and it immideatly started turning into a huge bruise, my leg is so sore. OUCHY! It's ok mom, it was an accident, and it really doesn't bother me that much. I still Love ya. ;+)

Okay, my friend Matt K. showed me this thing. It is like a super suite for our military men. It is seriously like something right out of Halo. Maybe even Halo II. I am not kidding, this is a real thing in testing for real military!! I am not going to waste my time talking about it, but if you want more information on it, you should check out this link. It is seriously pretty friggin bad azz.
Saturday, January 20, 2007
Today is SATurDAY

Friday, January 19, 2007
fight the good fight

A day at Lane

Thursday, January 18, 2007
Bundle of Anxious Frustration
Monday, January 15, 2007
today was much better
Okay, so after I was done feeling bad for myself last night, I fell asleep and stayed asleep until 2:00 p.m. today. Lemme tell you, it felt great. All today, I was in high spirits, and I dunno, I felt content with waiting. Waiting for snow so I can work. (snow removal) Waiting for a Stem cell transplant, so I can live a normal life. And waiting for someone to come into my life who likes what they see, and wants to be my life companion. (girlfriend)
Seriously, I was very content today. It's really easy to do too. The first and most important step you have to take is pray. After you pray, you have to trust that he will provide. I think that is the hardest part, and the step most people struggle with. I think people, excuse me, Christians can pray with some what ease. It's when we have to trust that God will provide that strikes as a huge task. I think the mindset goes as follows..... "Okay I am unhappy, the bible tells me to pray, ok I will do what the bible says, because the pastor at church says so." And I think for most people that is enough. Well, I pray now, and know God will answere. He always does, definitely not on my time schedule. But he always provides. Therefore, I wait. I don't wait with a really anxious feeling of discontent. I wait knowing that my God is much much bigger than my worldly issues. If I believe in my heart that Christ parted the Red Sea. Then of course I will, “with out a doubt” believe he will take care of my anxious mind. It’s like that.
There is nothing wrong with feeling down once in a while.
That is a part of sin.
And sin is a part of life.
Saturday, January 13, 2007
Figuered it out!!!

Gimme a break
my eyes hurt
Friday, January 12, 2007
the frustration continues.
Thursday, January 11, 2007
still got that feeling.

I have one other thing on my mind. I'm confused, God brought this person into my life, and ever sense then, he has been allowing the most amazing things to happen. I mean really mind twisting circumstances. I know God is in it, but…………..but there are so many unanswered questions. I know I need to trust him. Sometimes, I just need to vocalize my thoughts. thankyou blog
Wednesday, January 10, 2007
easy going.
M/S Update:
There is really no new news. I was having some kind of "flair up" yesterday, but it was pretty insignificant. pray pray pray.
Tuesday, January 9, 2007
happy tuesday.
your so so good
i surrender
i surrender
i surrender, i surrender sololover
hey, i even surrender masturbation!!!!!!!! oops, i said it, i'm not.
i surrender blue sky's, and love and emotions, and infertilness, and possiblilties....................i surrender everything i care about, and everything i will care about in the future. all of it.
Monday, January 8, 2007
living life to the fullest, on the edge, hardcore till the day i die.

Yo, i am me. me is mikey. mikey is real. i live the way i live because i want to. i am confident. i am strong. i will no longer live because i feel presured to live. i am free.

Man, i am a stud huh?
Okay, so after dentist issues were resolved, my mom picked me up and off to boxed delites i went. It was awesome cuz i was having fun, and i got to play with big knives and cut stuff in half.

M/S Update:
Okay, now for my least favorite part of the blog, the m/s update. As of now we are giving the insurance company our last appeal. This is the appeal where doc. Burt(guy who thought up stem cell transplant for m/s) talks to the head money spender at Anthem. Who knows what will happen, only God i suppose. Good enough for me. So, as far as how is the m/s? well, i had an attack yesterday, it was so crazy, it lasted about 4 hours, i got voilently ill, and lots of diareah, like uncontrolled bowels. Not fun, then just as fast as it came on, it was gone. Very neat situation. I saw got next to me the whole time.
Sunday, January 7, 2007
Hello, michael here, i am working for christ. How may I help you?

anyways, God turned something really bad into something really good. WOW WOW WOW WOW, he is so good to me. If you want to know the story get in touch with me, i will tell ya, it is pretty amazing how God works in your life when you want him to. :+) :+) :+)
That paragraph above gets 3 smiley faces because it is so true, so friggin true.
LOVE YOU GOD!!!!!!!!!!!!!YOU ARE THE LEADER OF MY LIFE!!!!!!!!!!!!!THANKS FOR MY VEGAS EXPERIENCE< THAT WAS PRETTY COOL!!!!!!!!! p.s. if you want to get in touch with me you can do one of the following
a: call me on my cell (260)433-2543 ~i prefer this method~
b: send me a text message (260)433-1543
c: send me an E-mail
d: Pray really hard that i call you, this method actually works, it's pretty amazing, but just try it. Pray really really hard that i get it put on my heart that you want me to call you, and i will. Promise. ;+)
Saturday, January 6, 2007
Drama Drama Drama

Friday, January 5, 2007
Viva Las FUN!!!!!!