So i hook up the truck and trailer and get ready to move out. Today i worked with Robbie and Jessie a.k.a. Corn Bread, lol. I love robbie, but you have to know how to handle robbie, and i would have to say, at first impression most people would not enjoy him at all. Me on the other hand have come to love and really respect him, although i would never tell him. him and his girl made an absloutly beautiful child, and as soon as i can find out how to upload some dang pictures i will show you.
I had to be at the hospital at 2:00p.m. to get my second day of I.V. steroid treatment. I have to have 5. i hate them, they make me fat, i am hungry all the time, this is very depressing because sense i have gotten home from michigan, i have lost 35lbs. and kept it off. AHHHHHHHHH FREEKING STEROIDS!!! my mom keeps telling me it's only temporary, but i still hate them, and if i get in the sun at all, i am beat red for days, it's total crappiness, but i really do trust God, and so it's not that big of a deal.
I have a final thought to end this blog with. it's carma. i didn't use to think carma existed, but the more i live and experience everything life has to throw at me, the more i realize carma(what goes around, comes around) exists. So i really make an attempt to treat people good, even if i am only going to see them one time in my life. treat them good, leave a good impression. eventually it will come back to you. it just will. i'm happy.
Mikey, your the bomb dude. keep postin cuz im listenin to ur thoughts here everyday the way im going to the tenacious D concert on 11/24 in chicago...U GOTTA GO DUDE!!!