But anyways back to the blessing, this guy right above this paragraph is Harry Mccoy. I went to school with him in Traverse City. I loved this guy, he is a very chill, down to earth enjoyable person. The kind of person who doesn't have enemy's. It would be very hard not to like this guy. Anyways, Harry got a hold of the link to my blog, and did some reading. He read the blog from last sunday when i talked a little bit about Unconditional faith. Well i guess something in my writing touched his heart. He called me this afternoon at 3:13p.m. WOW was i suprised, anyways we got to talking, and i told him how God is working in my life, and harry did the same. It was awesome just to hear his voice again, yet alone have him tell me he could relate to what i was writing. It was really touching, and like i say, God honers obedience. Maybe not right away, maybe in ways we can't understand just yet, but man does he ever. Harry is very charismatic, and he is the kind of guy who grabs your attention when you walk into a room. Not because he looks like an NFL lineman, just because he is authentic. You don’t have to pretend to be someone your not in order to impress him, you can just be yourself. Anyways, I felt really blessed from his phone call in more ways than 1.
Friend Update
Today i wanted to get my hair and beard thing trimmed up for court in the morning. I want to look nice and snazzy. SOOOOO, my mom told me why don't you come with me when i get my hair cut(allow me to explain, a very good friend from high school cuts my moms hair now) so called the barber shop, and my friend kaley menshy. Kaley is the one in the middle, Lydia Chapman is the one to the left, she is also my friend. Aren't friends great? I don't know the girl to the right. But i bet she would be my friend once she found out how cool i am. right? So, not only is kaley beautiful, but she can cut hair really good too!!! she gots me lookin really snazzy. ok, thats all for today.