Monday, April 30, 2007
working was interesting today.
on a more interesting note, Chelsy is awesome. Cute, funny, sporty, sexy, skinny, talented, interesting, motivated to be a better person, nurtering, caring, loves God. Can you ask for better traits in a woman? I am quite interested to see where this is going to go.
I got a Challenge Grant from the NTAF. basically what this means is, because i have done so exceptionally well in raising funds for my stem cell transplant, they matched some of the donations. $1,000 to be exact. It's awesome. Also, WANE, News Channel 15 is going to be doing a story on me. I am totally sycked to do that. very exciting and what not. ;-)
ps. Chels, you amaze me. In a very good way, might i add.
Sunday, April 29, 2007

Today, me and Nick, a buddy from work, mulched my lady friend's house. I am an idiot. I did not wear sunscreen. I did not wear a shirt. Chelsy thinks I have sun poisoning. I resemble a lobster on a bad day. A very sunny bad day.

Saturday, April 28, 2007
life lesson # 12,348

Women/Girls, although beautiful creations from God himself put on this earth for man’s companionship. Can be deviant and deceptive. What do ya do though? Can’t live with um, can’t live with out um. I have this to say. Make the best of the situation, and don’t ever give in. Stick to your guns even if it would be more comfortable not to. Ughhhhh…
Well, today was a beautiful day. Seriously. Sun was shining all day, and the grass was green. Really green, and long. And………i’m going to friggin bed. Ughhhhhh……
Friday, April 27, 2007
I will not celebrate meaningless milestones.

Thursday, April 26, 2007
wonderfully rainy

Wednesday, April 25, 2007
who do you believe?

Tuesday, April 24, 2007
SMILE, and think of the little tug that could.

OK, just keep watching.

Yes, that is smoke people. And no, it is not on fire. The engines are back under way.

Monday, April 23, 2007
What would you do for a Klondike Bar?

Saturday, April 21, 2007
i'm getting closer to my boat
Me, Chris, and Chelsy went and saw Blades of Glory, with Will ferral, and the guy from Napoleon Dynomite. It was so so funny. I seriously havn't laughed that much in a movie, for a long time. It is a must see for anyone who finds mindless humor extremely entertaining.
I think I am going to go to bed now though.
I had a lot of FUN chels, think I kinda enjoy hanging out with you. Just a lil bit anyway. ;-)
Friday, April 20, 2007

Thursday, April 19, 2007
auction blew my mind

Wednesday, April 18, 2007
holy gotAlotDONE
We got music (Jazz music), items of all sorts, food, entertainment, sexy ladies, the whole schlemiel! I am so excited to see what tomorrow holds. It is going to go so perfectly, I just know it! On an even better note, I just got off the phone with Jessica Norlander!!!!! Doesn't mean anything to you? well, your an idiot. Just kidding, well, you might still be an idiot, but not for "not knowing" Jessica Norlander. I had the chance to meet this chicka on an airplane ride from Las Vegas, to St. Paul, Minnesota. She is such an awesome sole. HUGE HEART, and is a physical trainer in Vegas. Super sexy on the inside & out. She called and we talked about the Virginia Tech shooting. She is so smart, and I absolutely love hearing her take on things. I am pretty sure she likes to get my thoughts on some stuff too. So, it's a win/win situation.
So excited for tomorrow, it is going to be so so so so so good!! whoop, whoop!!!
God bless, and good night!
Tuesday, April 17, 2007

Monday, April 16, 2007
Thanks Dad.

Now, to compound the situation. My big benefit dinner is this Thursday. There is so much planning going into that, I have loads of stress already on my shoulders. My mom, God bless her heart. Only made it worse, by not being on the same page as me in regards to the Chinese stem cell transplant treatment. That, and the fact that some other little things are just urcking me the way wrong way. That’s life though.
I need prayer that I stay focused on all the right things. I need prayer that I stay strong, that I not give into temptation, and that I accomplish the goals at hand.
I feel much better, venting is quite nice sometimes.
Sunday, April 15, 2007
sickness is SICK!
All is well.
Thursday, April 12, 2007

Yup, here is my buddy Evan. He is home right now from New Mexico. He is training on a huge helecoptor. Me and Evan use to be super buddies. Then like 2 years went by. AND BAM! he calls me up and next thing I know, we are eating at hooters catching up on everything. It was really good. I was quite happy
On the upper right my blog, there is a new LINK, it should be red, and say, "He's still in the game." That is the newest News Sentinel article. It is definately a must read, and I like it. I am quite happy. I am falling for Chelsy, my stem cell transplant is more than on the way, and did I mention I am falling for Chelsy? She is great, I really did know the day she got in touch with me out of no where, that it happened for a specific reason. It took me a while to figuer it out, but it happened. I have to say I am quite pleased with how everything is working out.
Today was quite cold. I was mowing grass, and seriously, i am suprised it didn't start snowing on us. I got through it though.
Wednesday, April 11, 2007
AHHHH i'm falling

Tuesday, April 10, 2007
He’s still in the game
MS patient undeterred by insurance denials
By Jennifer L. Boen

Mike Riley, left, spends time with friends, from right, Jared Busch, Chris Heidenreich, Jon Ehle and Andy Ehle on Sunday at Jon Ehle’s apartment. Riley, who has multiple sclerosis, is seeking a stem-cell transplant in China after his insurance company rejected his appeals to have a transplant in the U.S.
Editor’s note: In February, The News-Sentinel told the story of Mikey Riley of rural Fort Wayne, who has an aggressive form of multiple sclerosis and is in need of a stem-cell transplant. The family was in the process of making its last allowable appeal to have the transplant covered by insurance.
In baseball, it’s three strikes and you’re out. For Mikey Riley, it was four strikes from the family’s insurance company that could have benched the 20-year-old Fort Wayne man.
But Riley isn’t one to give up. His will to live and optimism are keeping him in the game. The rules of the game have just changed a bit.
Their insurance company denied the Rileys’ final appeal to pay for the $300,000 transplant – the company said it is experimental – so the family is seeking treatment on the other side of the world at a fraction of the cost.
Friends and family are hosting a fundraiser April 19 to raise money for Riley to get a stem-cell transplant in China.
Riley hoped to have an autologous stem-cell transplant this month at Northwestern Memorial Hospital in Chicago, a treatment used with about 150 other MS patients. His own cells would be removed from his body, then chemotherapy would be used to kill his disease-causing cells. The stem cells then would be “tweaked” and put back into his body to grow new myelin, the protective sheath around nerve fibers.
MS damages or destroys the myelin, which interrupts normal transmission of electrical impulses to and from the brain.
Scientists at the American College of Cardiology’s annual meeting last month in New Orleans reported they had grown new heart vessels in the same way. Stem cells were extracted from 23 patients’ thighs and grown in a lab using special techniques to induce them to become heart-tissue cells. The cells were then injected directly into the patients’ hearts. All showed improvement in cardiac functions.
After the insurance company issued its final denial, Pat Riley, Mikey’s father and a Lane Middle School teacher and coach, asked his son if he would consider other options, including going out of the country for treatment.
“But I really didn’t know what to do or where to go,” said the 2005 Leo Junior-Senior High School graduate, whose MS was diagnosed soon after graduation. He had been accepted into the Merchant Marines Academy in Traverse City, Mich., which he attended for about nine months until his health worsened.
Not long after his dad mentioned looking outside the U.S. for treatment, an American living in China connected with a program called Stem Cell China read Riley’s story in the Feb. 13 News-Sentinel. He contacted the American liaison for Stem Cell China, Kirschner Ross-Vaden, who lives in Chicago.
She told the Rileys about Stem Cell China and the program’s success in using umbilical-cord stem cells with MS patients. These cells, which can be coaxed to become cells specific for myelin, are collected from the cord blood of newborns, then injected into the patient. The family researched the program, praying together about it.
“I can tell his tremors are getting worse,” Diana Riley said of her son’s symptoms. “We need to do something before he can’t walk and is in a wheelchair.” He also has periods of extreme vertigo, unrelenting vomiting and more recently, hearing loss in one ear.
Riley said his Indianapolis doctor, an MS specialist, has told him that because the newest medications have not helped him, a stem-cell transplant is his only hope to stop the disease. The doctor, he said, would neither endorse nor refute the Stem Cell China program. But Riley began e-mailing an MS patient involved in the China program.
“It has really helped him,” Riley said. “The China transplant is not a cure. It’s a treatment … lasts about five years. Then you might have to go back for another transplant.”
Not everyone sees long-term results. But the treatment also does not require Riley to undergo chemotherapy that kills not only his cells that have gone awry but also all his good white cells. That would leave him vulnerable to infections until new white cells and the stem cells begin growing again. The goal is for the new cells to regrow healthy myelin around his nerves. With MS, the protective myelin covering of nerve fibers is damaged or destroyed, thwarting electrical impulses that travel to and from the brain.
“That was something that really bothered me,” he said of the chemo.
As much as the family has researched Stem Cell China, “We know we don’t have all the answers,” Diana Riley said. “But what do we have to lose? Mikey really wants this.”
The cost, including airfare for Mikey and Diana Riley, is less than $30,000 – one-tenth the cost of the U.S. stem-cell transplant, which is, albeit, considered a permanent cure.
Donations through guidance of the National Transplant Assistance Fund have raised $14,500 so far. Riley is confident friends, including fellow employees of Vision Scapes Lawn & Landscape in Fort Wayne and supporters of the local MS Society, will turn out for the April 19 fundraiser to help him complete his transplant goal.
“Every bit of me is ready to leave and experience this. I’m excited to see what kind of results I’ll have. I’m trusting God,” Riley said.
Ways you can help
What: Fundraiser for Mikey Riley, who has an aggressive form of multiple sclerosis and is in need of a stem-cell transplant. There will be snacks, silent and live auctions, and live music.
When: 6-9 p.m. April 19
Where: Landmark Conference & Reception Centre, 6222 Ellison Road, just south of the intersection of I-69 and U.S. 24
Cost: $25 per person; $175 table for eight; $500 for company sponsorship, including table for eight and special recognition
Items to be auctioned: Citizens watch and other jewelry; gift baskets; Civic Theatre tickets; restaurant and merchant gift cards; signed bat from the San Francisco Giants; signed Komets hockey sticks; and $1,000 of landscaping services from Vision Scapes of Fort Wayne.
RSVP: Call 471-8760 by Saturday
If you cannot attend: Tax-deductible donations can be sent to the National Transplant Assistance Fund, 150 N. Radnor Chester Road, Suite F-12, Radnor, PA. Write Mikey Riley’s name on the memo line. Contributions also are accepted online at
Now, there are a couple of errors in the article, but it isn't a big deal. I am quite pleased with it. Served it's purpose, and I am quite happy because of it. Nothing but smiles on my end of the stick.
ps Something very strange is going on. when i am around this chick. I feel kinda funny inside. Almost as if someone is poking my insides from the inside of my body!! What are you doing to me CHELSY? ;-)
Sunday, April 8, 2007
Christ has risen

His name is Chad, he is a really great guy. He knew some of my buddies through an old job. It's a small world i tell ya.
After dat, me and chris picked up chelsy. We hung out most of the night. I tell ya another thing. This chick is starting to grow on me. I think i might be cool with that too. Not gonna count my chickens before the egg hatches though. I will just flow with it, and see where it goes.
Friday, April 6, 2007
It's official.
Today this article was published in the Georgetown TIMES.
Local MS Victim Heading to China for Stem Cell Treatment Saturday, 07 April 2007 Sometimes you have to step out of your comfort zone.By Rod King (Created: Friday, April 6, 2007 2:58 PM EDT)

Michael (Mikey) Riley, 20, needs a stem cell transplant to impede the progress of his Multiple Sclerosis (MS). Without it he faces a lifetime in a wheelchair.
Because he was turned down four times for a transplant at Northwestern University Memorial Hospital in Chicago by his insurance company (Blue Cross/Blue Shield), he's scheduled the procedure for May 17 in Shenyang, China, a two-hour plane flight north of the capital city of Beijing.
"I've been doing a lot of research on the subject since being diagnosed with MS in July of 2005," says Riley, "and learned that the Chinese offer the treatment. They're not encumbered by the red tape and lengthy testing period necessary in this country before a procedure is given government approval for general use."
The procedure involves undergoing four intravenous injections of 15 to 20 million stem cells into his blood every six days and then one bone marrow treatment. That will be followed up with acupuncture and massage treatments. He and his mother, Dianna, will be there nearly five weeks.
"The Chinese believe that the stem cells taken from umbilical cord blood will regenerate myelin (the protective coating around nerves) that has been destroyed by the MS. The treatment will speed up the transmission of electrical impulses from the brain to my body. I realize that this is not a cure for MS, but a treatment that will help me deal with the disease and slow down its spread."
To cover the cost of the treatments ($23,000), the air fare for him and his mother and their food ($1,500) while in the Chinese hospital, Riley has established a fundraising campaign that includes a benefit dinner and auction Thursday, April 19, 6 to 9 p.m. at Landmark Conference and Reception Centre, 6222 Ellison Rd, Fort Wayne. Cost for the event is $25 per person and a table for eight is $175. He's also hoping businesses will sponsor tables for $500.
The auction and silent auction will include a variety of items from a helicopter ride and tickets to a Civic Theatre performance to a scenic plane ride around Fort Wayne, a woman's watch and a baseball bat signed by members of the San Francisco Giants.
Riley has already received donations totaling slightly more than half of the necessary amount from friends and members of his parent's church, Grabill Missionary. He's also established a web site on the Internet ( and has received a number of donations from individuals who have visited the site. "I created it because I felt it would be nice to relate with others who are experiencing MS. It lists information on my background and my journey to this point. A man from Australia contacted me to ask about his son who was recently diagnosed with MS. It makes me feel good to reach out and help others. I want to learn all I can about stem cell research, because it will some day help cure a number of neurological diseases."
Riley says his first symptom was the loss of vision in his left eye for four weeks at age 15. At 18 he lost all sensations on the left side of his body for about a month. The 2005 Leo Jr./Sr. High School graduate learned he had MS just four weeks after finishing school and before heading to Great Lakes Maritime Academy in Travers City, Michigan, to fulfill his lifelong dream of becoming a ship's captain. He was able to complete a year there before health complications forced him to return home. In the fall of 2006 he enrolled at IPFW, but had to take a medical disability when the MS flared up again and put him in the hospital for four weeks. In addition to taking 12 hours of courses at IPFW, he was working full time at Vision Scapes on St. Joe Road. "My boss was kind enough to hold my job open for when I'm able to return to work," he says.
"My faith is strong and support from my parents, friends and acquaintances has been overwhelming. I'm positive that this treatment in China will make a great difference in the quality of my life in the future and may be the answer for others suffering from MS."
MS Benefit Dinner
Thursday, April 19, 6 - 9 p.m.
Landmark Conference
& Reception Center
6222 Ellison Rd.
Fort Wayne, IN 46804
Cost: $25 per person
Soon, I am going to be in the News Sentinel, which is a much more popular Newspaper in Fort Wayne. So, hopefully the word about the benefit dinner is really going to get out because of all of the publicity it is getting. I am confident anyways. I am definitely pretty stoked. I am going to start looking for air plane tickets. I sure wish I knew someone who could hook me up, and get my mom & I a killer discount on some tickets to China! That would be so awesome!
I think it is time for me to retire, NIGHT NIGHT!